Uricases approved and in development [2331]

UricaseOriginApprovalIndicationEfficacy with immunomodulationAnaphylaxisHalf-lifeIV administrationPEGylatedRef.
Rasburicase Recombinant Aspergillus uricaseFDA, EMATumor lysis syndromeNA6.2%21 h0.2 mg/kg daily for up to 5–7 daysNo[23, 24]
PegloticasePorcine and baboon uricaseFDAUncontrolled gout83%3% (active treatment groups)6–14 days8 mg every 2 weeksYes[25, 26]
SEL-212Candida utilisCompleted Phase III
Submitted to FDA
Uncontrolled goutHigh-dose group in 2 Phase III studies
56% and 46%
3.4% (n = 4 anaphylaxis, n = 2 flares)3 days0.2 mg/kg monthlyYes[2730]
PRXRecombinant plant-derived uricasePhase IUncontrolled goutTBDTBDTBDDosing TBDYes[31]

NA: not available; TBD: to be determined