Metrics computed on the CASF 2013

MethodTrained on PDBbindNRpSDMAERMSE
GoldScorea [24]-1950.481.97--
ChemScoreb [24]-1950.591.82--
X-ScoreHM [24]-1950.611.78--
DeepBindRG [5]20181950.64-1.481.82
Pafnucy [4]20161950.701.61-1.62
OnionNet [7]20161080.781.451.211.50
AGL-Scorec [8]2007 (refined)1950.79--1.97
IGNc [10]2016850.83---

The scoring function was used with the software a Gold and b Sybyl. c the number of tested complexes is too low to be compared with the other methods. ↑ indicates that the larger the value, the better; ↓ indicates that the smaller the value, the better. N is the number of tested complexes, some methods have been tested only on a subset of the benchmark. -: not applicable