List of results of CTs of potential drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 using natural compounds from medicinal plants

Name of chemical compoundStudy design; sample size (control group/investigate group)References on protocol studiesResultsReferences on results
ArtemisininAn open-label, non-randomized, controlled trial; 41 (23/18)[87]Positive effects[111]
ArtesunateNot fully described; 43 (25/18)-Positive effects[112]
BerberineNot fully described; 35 (17/18)-No significant difference[113]
CannabidiolA single-center, randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled CT; 104 (52/52)[88]No significant difference[114]
ColchicineA randomized controlled CT; 90 (45/45)[89]Positive effects[115]
ColchicineA randomized, open-labeled, CT; 80 (40/40)[90]Positive effects[116]
ColchicineA randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled CT; 72 (36/36)[91]Positive effects[117]
ColchicineA multicenter, randomized CT; 152 (89/63)[92]Positive effects[118]
ColchicineA randomized controlled CT; 112 (34/78)-Positive effects[119]
ColchicineA randomized controlled CT; 336 (165/171)-Positive effects[120]
CurcuminA randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial; 48 (24/24)[93]Positive effects[121]
CurcuminA randomized controlled, double-blind, placebo-controlled CT; 60 (30/30)[94]Positive effects[122]
CurcuminA non-randomized open-label, parallel-group CT; 41 (21/20)[95]Positive effects[123]
CurcuminRandomized double-blind CT; 40 (20/20)[96]Positive effects[124]
CurcuminA non-randomized open-label, parallel-group CT; 60 (30/30)[97]Positive effects[125]
CurcuminA randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial; 50 (25/25)[98]Positive effects[126]
CurcuminA randomized, parallel-group trial; 140 (70/70)[99]Positive effects[127]
GlycyrrhizinA single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled CT; 50 (25/25)[100]Positive effects[128]
GlycyrrhizinA randomized triple-blind placebo-controlled CT; 125 (62/63)[101]Positive effects[129]
GlycyrrhizinRetrospective study [in study compares two groups of people: those with the disease under study (cases) and a similar group of people who do not have the disease (controls)]; 147 (66/81)-Positive effects[130]
HesperidinControl group, with parallel, double-blind, and randomized groups; 40 (20/20)[102]No significant difference[131]
HesperidinRandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study; 216 (109/107)[103]Positive effects[132]
LuteolinRandomized-controlled pilot study; 12 (7/5)-Positive effects[133]
LuteolinRandomized-controlled study; 69 (59/10)-Positive effects[134]
PlitidepsinRandomized, parallel, open-label; 30 (15/15)[104]Positive effects[135]
PlitidepsinCase study (research of one case); 1-Positive effects[136]
QuercetinSingle center, randomized, controlled trial; 429 (380/49)[105]No significant differences[137]
QuercetinRandomized, parallel assignment, placebo-controlled CT; 60 (30/30)[106]Positive effects[138]
QuercetinSingle-center, prospective, randomized, controlled cohort study; 120 (60/60)[107]Positive effects[139]
QuercetinPilot, randomized, controlled and open-label CT; 42 (21/21)-Positive effects[140]
ResveratrolRandomized, placebo-controlled trial; 30 (14/16)[108]No significant differences[141]
ResveratrolNot fully described; 230 (200/30)[109]Positive effects[142]
ResveratrolDouble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial; 100 (50/50)[110]Positive effects[143]

-: not applicable