Drugs and biologics that have shown positive results in clinical research to slow or reverse normal aging processes

FamilyIndicationLeading agentStudy typeReference
Longevity candidatesLongevityVitamin DObservational[34, 36]
Mesenchymal stem cellsLocomotion frailtyLomecel-BRCT (phase 2)[47]
Facial rejuvenationSVFRCT[54]
Senolytics drugsCognitive declineD + QOL (phase 1)[58]
Sirtuin activatorsAging frailtyResveratrolRCT (phase 2)[61]
NAD+ precursorsPhysical performanceNRSRCT[65]

SVF: stromal vascular fraction; D + Q: dasatinib and quercetin; NRS: nicotinamide riboside supplements; OL: open-label