Summary of studies demonstrating crosstalks between the PTEN and PAFR as well as PAFR and EGFR pathways

Cancer modelCell line(s)Treatment(s)Key findingsReference
Breast cancerMCF-7, MDA-MB-231PAFR antagonistPAFR antagonist-mediated decreased invasive behavior and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest was mediated via increased PTEN expression[29]
MelanomaB16F10Ad-PTENAd-PTEN blocked PAF-induced pulmonary melanoma metastasis[31]
Ovarian cancerOVCA 429, OVCA 432PAFR antagonistPAFR antagonist blocked PAF-induced activation of EGFR and downstream signaling cascades resulting in decreased cell proliferation[34]
Ovarian cancerSKOV3-PAF-PAFR signaling induced increased EGFR activation[35]
Ovarian cancerCAOV3, SKOV3PAFR antagonist and EGFR inhibitorIncreased inhibition of cell proliferation and invasion and decreased tumor growth[36]
Ovarian cancerCAOV3, SKOV3PAFR antagonist and EGFR inhibitorInhibition of the PAFR and EGFR blocked EGF-induced PAF production[37]
Epidermal cellsKBEGFR inhibitorInhibition of increased production of PAFR agonists and systemic immunosuppression[38]
Ovarian cancerCASKI, C33APAFR antagonist and EGFR inhibitorDecreased cell viability and proliferation[39]

PTEN: phosphatase and tensin homolog; PAFR: platelet-activating factor-receptor; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; Ad-PTEN: adenovirus harboring cDNA construct of PTEN; -: no data