Cytotoxic effect of the dimeric peptides against colon cancer cells and non-cancer cells (cells were treated for 2 h at 37°C)

CodeSequenceIC50 (μM)Selectivity indexHaemolysis (%)
HT-29Caco-2HEK 293FibroblastsSI1SI2SI3
26[F](RRWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx1218*22342.81.8> 5.16
1(dRRWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx> 5945ndndndndndnd
2(Orn-RWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx183825201.11.4> 3.33
3(R-Orn-WQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx301241170.61.4> 2.05
4(RRWQW-Orn-FKKLG)2-K-Ahx4910> 61> 61> 1.2> 1.2> 1.25
5(dR-Orn-WQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx20111490.50.7> 3.15
6(dRRWQW-Orn-FKKLG)2-K-Ahx351625230.70.7> 1.77
7(Ahx-RRWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx192519291.51.0> 3.05
8(Biotin-Ahx-RRWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx172016492.90.9> 2.96
9(CH3CO-Ahx-RRWQWRFKKLG)2-K-Ahx24ndnd190.8nd> 2.39

SI of peptides is described as the ratio IC50 non-cancer cells/IC50 cancer cells. SI1 = IC50 FibroblastIC50 HT-29; SI2 = IC50 HEK 293IC50 HT-29; SI3 = IC50 RBCIC50 HT-29. Haemolysis (%) is reported at peptide concentration of 200 μg/mL. nd is not determined. *: IC50 for peptide 26[F] in Caco-2 cells was previously reported [15]. RBC: red blood cells; SI: selectivity index