Mutans streptococci colony-forming units in saliva [minimum/maximum values; mean; standard deviation (SD)] at different collection times
Collection times
4.6 × 105–2.0 × 106
1.2 × 106 a
5.1 × 105
2nd day/T1
4.6 × 104–5.9 × 105
3.5 × 105 b
1.7 × 105
3rd day/T2
6.2 × 104–1.4 × 106
6.9 × 105 a, b
5.7 × 105
4th day/T3
6.2 × 104–1.4 × 106
7.0 × 105 a, b
6.7 × 105
5th day/T4
9.3 × 104–3.2 × 106
1.4 × 106 a, b
9.5 × 105
10th day/T5
3.1 × 104–7.9 × 106
2.3 × 106 a, b
2.7 × 106
15th day/T6
1.4 × 106–2.4 × 106
1.9 × 106 a, b
4.3 × 105
30th day/T7
8.1 × 105–3.2 × 106
1.9 × 106 a
8.4 × 105
Means followed by different superscript letters indicate significant differences between the periods of saliva collection (p < 0.05). Repeated superscript letters indicate that the means were not significantly different (p > 0.05)
The authors would like to thank all patients who took part in this study; André Augusto Gomes Faraco and Juçara Ribeiro Franca for the propolis varnish manipulation; Miriam Pimenta Vale for the guidance and methodological insights; Suzane Gonçalves-Paixão, Elizete Maria Rita Pereira and Marieta Torres Abreu Assis for helping with the collections and laboratory work.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval
The present study was approved by the ethics committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (report no. 168.394). The study protocol was registered in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform under registration code NCT02052973.
Consent to participate
Informed consent to participate in the study was obtained from all participants and all the enrolled children signed an informed consent form, and their caregivers signed an informed consent form prior to participation.
Consent to publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this manuscript will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any qualified researcher.
This study was supported by grants from CAPES and FAPEMIG. The CAPES grant was awarded to Mariana Passos De Luca as financial support for her PhD studies. The FAPEMIG grant was secured by Professor Vagner Santos, the PhD advisor, for laboratory maintenance. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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