Issues and solutions for precision medicine in adolescent patients with asthma

IssuePotential solutions
Lack of adherence

Understanding the reasons for such, which can include:

  • stigma of illness

  • locus of medication control taken from parent to patient (time of transition)

  • body image

  • social pressures, peer and family, need to give opportunity to discuss issues and not just try to solve them

  • simplify regimen and tie adherence to other activities

  • deal with concerns of dependence on the medication by explaining that inflammation is treated by ICS containing medication, and what one gets dependent on is the reliever

  • create relationship with pharmacy to keep you informed on adherence issues, such as lack of picking up prescriptions and overuse of rescue

Consistency of medical practitioner

May change from pediatric to adult clinician:

  • need to deal directly with the adolescent patient

  • need to empower the patient with education and perspective

  • keep primary care consistent even if a specialist is involved

Rebelliousness and risky behaviors

Consistent messaging about the dangers of inhaled products such as cigarettes, cannabis, and vaping

Give them a non-judgmental space to discuss these issues

Pubertal changesAlong with other more obvious changes, asthma also changes, sometimes with poorer control and sometimes for the good (remission), but the same measurements of control are the basics of decision making
Lack of appreciation of how important control is for preventing bad outcomes

Education re control criteria and why it is important to them

Technology such as Apps and digital inhalers

Inhaler technique

Digital technology


Watch the patient actually use their inhaler

Measuring control

Poor control is underestimated so need education

SABA use needs to be watched carefully, do not be free with repeats, keep track and follow accordingly

Do spirometry as you may get much poorer lung function than you expect based on the reported symptoms

Trigger avoidance

Evaluate for and discuss allergic triggers

Review avoidance and preventative strategies

Avoid substance inhalation

Inadequate use of action planUse digital technology to incorporate this into their world
Parental concerns

They can be your greatest ally to let you know how things are doing and to reinforce messaging

They can also be a threat to your patient relationship by:

  • undermining recommendations

  • minimizing the importance of medication use

  • not providing resources such as financial barriers to access appropriate treatment

  • behaviors at home such as parenteral smoking and substances, finances leading to environmental issues

ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; Apps: applications; SABA: short-acting β2-agonists