Descriptive characteristics of the study population

ItemFemaleMaleWhole populationP-value
Simple size (% on total)100 (38.17)162 (61.83)262
Age (median IQR)5 (3.5 to 8.5)6 (4 to 10)6 (4 to 9)0.466
BMI (median IQR)17.58 (15.70 to 20.32)18.04 (15.57 to 21.52)17.80 (15.67 to 20.93)0.818
    Underweight (column %)4 (4.00)13 (8.02)17 (6.49)0.424
    Healthy weight (column %)48 (48.00)72 (44.44)120 (45.80)
    Overweight (column %)48 (48.00)77 (47.53)125 (47.71)
RRIS (column %)25 (25.00)37 (22.84)62 (23.66)0.399
At least one respiratory infection (column %)80 (80.00)134 (82.72)214 (81.68)0.347
    n-RI (median IQR)*2 (2 to 4)2 (1 to 4)2 (1 to 4)0.306
Fever (column %)66 (66.00)112 (69.14)178 (67.94)0.346
    n-fever (median IQR)*1 (1 to 2)2 (1 to 3)1.75 (1 to 2.5)0.324
Antibiotic (column %)66 (66.00)105 (64.81)171 (65.27)0.477
    n-antibiotic (median IQR)*2 (1 to 2.75)1 (1 to 2)2 (1 to 2)0.247

In the descriptive statistics, the Shapiro-Wilk test, Fisher’s exact test, chi-squared test, and Wilcoxon rank-sum test were utilized, each applied as relevant to the data. *: In these analyses, patients who had not experienced any episodes were excluded from the descriptive evaluation; RRIS: recurrent respiratory infections in the last six months; antibiotic: at least one use of antibiotics in last six months; fever: presence of fever in last six months; n-RI: number of respiratory infections in last six months; n-fever: number of febrile episodes per patient in last six months; n-antibiotic: at least one number of antibiotic courses in last six months. IQR: interquartile range; BMI: body mass index