Descriptive statistics for ED visits, by asthma diagnosis

MeasuresNo Asthma (%)
n = 91,760,547
Percent 95.40%
Asthma (%)
n =4,419,629
Percent 4.60%
Year of visit< 0.0001
Hospital control< 0.0001
Hospital teaching/location< 0.0001
        Urban, non-teaching77.3378.96
        Rural, non-teaching8.467.53
        Urban, teaching14.2113.51
Hospital licensed bed size< 0.0001
        1 to 49 beds3.322.41
        50 to 99 beds4.864.76
        100 to 149 beds9.969.50
        150 to 199 beds12.4313.26
        200 to 299 beds20.0122.21
        300 to 499 beds35.2435.30
        500+ beds14.2012.56
Hospital system status< 0.0001
        In system of 3+ hospitals57.0661.52
        Not in a system42.9438.48
DSH status< 0.0001
        DSH hospital35.7134.07
        Non-DSH hospital64.2965.93
Hospital Kaiser Permanente status< 0.0001
Age group< 0.0001
        0 to 17 years2.461.06
        18 to 64 years53.1150.74
        65 years and greater7.904.84
Sex< 0.0001
Race< 0.0001
Ethnicity< 0.0001
Age group< 0.0001
        0 to 17 years4.072.87
        18 to 64 years83.3986.74
        65 years and greater12.5410.39
Sex+< 0.0001
Race< 0.0001
Ethnicity< 0.0001
Predisposing-vulnerable domain
CCS 651 anxiety disorders< 0.0001
CCS 652 attention-deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavior disorders< 0.0001
CCS 657 mood disorders< 0.0001
CCS 659 schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders< 0.0001
CCS 662 suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury< 0.0001
Payer source< 0.0001
        Private insurance38.5538.59
        Other government3.482.27
Asthma as a primary diagnosis< 0.0001
Discharge status< 0.0001
        Admitted to inpatient2.061.66
        Left against medical advice2.231.09
        Court/law enforcement0.180.14
        Other, such as long-term care1.401.05

CCS: Clinical Classification Software; ED: emergency department; DSH: Disproportionate Share Hospital; *: comparisons are for groups, not individual levels; +: imputed demographics based on averages of 961 million records