Determination of compounds of interest (g/kg). Effect of AE, EE, and US methods in the extraction of polyphenols for the broccoli by-product. Results are expressed as mean values of triplicates ± SD

Total polyphenols (g GAE/kg DM)21.32 ± 0.4220.95 ± 0.313.91 ± 0.09
Chlorogenic acid glycoside2.26 ± 0.053.24 ± 0.061.36 ± 0.07
Caffeoylquinic acid8.47 ± 0.209.07 ± 0.131.64 ± 0.03
Di caffeoylquinic acid10.04 ± 0.247.99 ± 0.100.76 ± 0.01