Elemental content in the leave infusion

ElementPsidium guajava infusionCarica papaya infusion
K1.45 (% w/w) on dry weight or 72.5 mg/L in the infusion1.5 (% w/w) on dry weight or 75.4 mg/L in the infusion
Fe70.0 mg/kg on dry weight or 0.35 mg/L in the infusion84.0 mg/kg on dry weight or 0.42 mg/L in the infusion
Zn30.0 mg/kg on dry weight or 0.15 mg/L in the infusion50.0 mg/kg on dry weight or 0.25 mg/L in the infusion
Ca0.91 (% w/w) on dry weight or 45.3 mg/L in the infusion0.65 (% w/w) on dry weight or 32.4 mg/L in the infusion
Mg0.065 (% w/w) on dry weight or 3.25 mg/L in the infusion0.043 (% w/w) on dry weight or 2.12 mg/L in the infusion

w/w: weight/weight; ND: not detected