Green analytical metrics for LPME

Green analytical metricsSubjectAuthor(s)YearReferences
Green metrics for selecting and evaluating analytical methodsNational environmental methods index (NEMI)NEMI2002[15]
Green analytical methodologies, NEMI applicationsKeith et al.2007[16]
Analytical eco-scale (ECO)Gałuszka et al.2012[17]
Green analytical procedure index (GAPI)Płotka-Wasylka2018[18]
Summarizing the information in a hexagon (HEXAGON)Ballester-Caudet et al.2019[19]
Red-green-blue (RGB) additive color modelNowak, Kościelniak2019[20]
Analytical GREEnness (AGREE)Pena-Periera et al.2020[21]
White analytical chemistry (WAC)Nowak2021[22]
Complementary green analytical procedure index (ComplexGAPI)Plotka-Wasylka, Wojnowski2021[23]
Analytical greenness metric for sample preparation (AGREEprep)Wojnowski et al.2022[24]
Green analytical chemistry (GAC)—theory and practiceTobiszewski et al.2010[4]
12 principles of GACGałuszka et al.2013[12]
10 principles of green sample preparation (GSP)López-Lorente et al.2022[13]
Total chemical risk-ChlorTox scaleNowak et al.2023[25]
Clortox base-chemical hazards, greenness assessmentNowak et al.2023[26]
Carbon foot of the analytical laboratoryNowak et al.2023[27]
Reviews of green metric assessment toolsOverview of hexagon and RGB algorithmsNowak et al.2020[28]
Impact of green assessment tools in HPLC (NEMI, EOC, GAPI, AGREE)Kannaiah et al.2021[29]
Green chemistry metrics (ECO, GAPI, AGREE)Sajid, Plotka-Wasylka2022[30]
Green chemistry metrics (GAPI, ComplexGAPI, AGREE, AGREEprep)Martinez et al.2022[31]
Software tools for green and sustainable chemistry (ECO, GAPI, AGREE)Derbenev et al.2022[32]
Research and application papers using green assessment toolsNatural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) for vegetable samples (NEMI, GAPI, ECO, AGREE, WAC)Ferreira et al.2022[33]
HPLC methods for dyes (HEXAGON)Ballester-Caudet et al.2022[34]
Fluorescence detection of ergosterol (AGREE, AGREEprep, WAC)Dazat et al.2022[35]
Determination of fatty acids in milk (ECO, GAPI, AGREEprep)Narloch, Wejnerowska2022[36]
Sample preparations for anthocyanin samples (AGREE)Mandrioli et al.2022[37]
Safety assessment of citrus and olive by-products (AGREE)Socas-Rodríguez et al.2022[38]
Spectroscopic methods for analysis of betrixaban (ECO, GAPI, AGREE)El-Masry et al.2022[39]

Note. Adapted from “Green microextraction methodologies for sample preparations,” by Kokosa JM, Przyjazny A. Green Anal Chem. 2022;3:100023 ( CC BY 4.0 Deed; adapted with permission from “Principles for developing greener liquid-phase microextraction methods” by Kokosa JM. TrAC Trends Anal Chem. 2023;167:117256 ( © 2023 Elsevier B.V.