Key reviews for LPME modes and theory

Review subjectAuthor(s)YearReferences
Liquid-liquid liquid microextraction (LLLME), theoryMa, Cantwell1999[73]
Solvent microextraction (SME) text, modes, applications, theoryRamos2010[74]
Single drop microextraction (SDME), theory, applications, trendsJeannot et al.2010[75]
SME [liquid phase microextraction (LPME)], theory, applicationsKokosa2015[76]
LPME principles and configurationsYamini et al.2018[77]
LPME review of reviewsRutkowska et al.2019[78]
Green miniaturized technologies in analytical chemistryAgrawal et al.2021[79]
Overview of LPME modes and applicationsCâmara et al.2022[80]
Green microextraction methods and applicationsKokosa, Przyjazny2022[5]
LPME for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) analysesJalili et al.2020[81]
Microextractions of heavy metalsSong, Huang2022[82]
Green principles for green solventsNithya, Sathish2023[83]
Principles for green LPME methodsKokosa2023[14]
LPME for improving greenness of standard analytical methodsTintrop et al.2023[84]
LPME method greenness comparisons, 2019−2023Esteve-Turrillas et al.2024[85]