Amino acid profile of pistachios. Minimum, maximum and average content of amino acids in pistachio nuts

Amino acids (g/100 g proteins)Essential amino acidsSome non-essential amino acids
LysHisThrValMetCysIleLeuPhe + TyrTrpAsp + GluSerProArgGlyAla
Minimum4.9 [24]2.3 [16]2.9 [24]5.2 [24]0.89 [23]0.95 [24] 4.1 [16]6.8 [24]7.8 [16]0.65 [23]13.1 [25]5.37 [24]3.36 [24]8.52 [24]4.36 [24]3.70 [24]
Maximum7.30 [23]2.7 [24]4.09 [23]6.1 [25]1.8 [25]2.6 [16]4.7 [25]9.18 [23]10.53 [23]1.4 [16]29.69 [23]7.32 [23]7.31 [23]11.64 [23]5.45 [23]5.37 [23]
Reference protein [22]

Lys: lysine; His: histidine; Thr: threonine; Val: valine; Met: methionine; Cys: cysteine; Ile: isoleucine; Leu: leucine; Phe: phenylalanine; Thr: threonine; Asp: aspartic acid; Glu: glutamic acid; Ser: serine; Pro: proline; Arg: arginine; Gly: glycine; Ala: alanine. The symbol “/” indicate that the amino acids are not essentials