Protein particles usually employed to stabilize Pickering emulsions (publications since 2020)

ProteinsModificationsEncapsulated bioactiveCharacteristics of the emulsionsReference
Whey proteinGlycosylated whey protein isolate-chitosan complexesAlgal oil [docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]-Better thermal, storage, and oxidative stability.
-Efficient release of free fatty acids during digestion.
-Increased bioavailability of DHA.
Whey protein isolate fibril complexed with hordein (main storage protein in barley seeds, with high content of hydrophobic aminoacids) by anti-solvent precipitation method at pH 2.5.QuercetinEnhanced bioaccessibility of quercetin.[21]
Pectin methyl esterase-responsive nanocomplex prepared using heat-induced whey protein isolate and high methoxyl pectin (pH 4.5, 85°C, 15 min).Thyme essential oil-pH stability (stabilizing effect of hydrophobic, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions).
-Pectin methyl esterase triggers the demethylation of high methoxyl pectin within the Pickering emulsion, conferring response characteristics to the enzyme (control of the thyme essential oil release).
Whey protein isolate-vanillin complexes (Schiff-base reaction)Vitamin E-Bacteriostatic agent.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of vitamin E in the small intestine (81%).
Whey protein gel particles prepared by heat-induced, enzyme cross-linking and calcium ion cross-linking methodsCoQ10-Increased bioavailability of CoQ10.
-Stability of emulsions 4°C for 28 days.
Whey protein with tannic acid, gallic acid, tea polyphenol, and vanillic acidVitamin D-Enhanced bioaccessibility of vitamin D.
-Enhanced stability of the emulsions.
Whey protein isolate covalently conjugated with epigallocatechin-3-gallateLactiplantibacillus plantarumStable systems for L. plantarum delivery.[26]
Whey protein isolate glycosylated with short chain inulin/cyanidin 3-glucosideCurcuminIncreased bioaccessibility of curcumin.[27]
Heat-denatured whey proteinDHA oilEnhanced bioaccessibility of DHA.[28]
Resveratrol crystals dissolved in ethanol, added to soy proteins dispersed in deionized water at different pHVitamin D3Protection of resveratrol against precipitation and oxidation.[29]
Whey protein isolate fibrilsNobiletin-Improved long term stability.
-Extent of lipolysis.
-Increased nobiletin bioaccessibility.
Whey protein isolate nanofibers prepared with subcritical waterCurcuminBetter loading effect and antioxidant activities.[31]
Whey protein isolate/epigallocatechin-3-gallate covalent conjugates obtained by free-radical induction reactionLactiplantibacillus plantarumEnhanced viable cell count after 14 days of storage and gastro-intestinal digestion.[32]
Whey protein isolate microgel cross-linked with organic acids (tannic and citric acids)Roasted coffee oilTannic acid resulted in a suitable crosslinker for providing stability to whey protein isolate emulsions.[33]
Gel protein isolate gel particles obtained by high hydrostatic pressure treatmentsCurcumin-High loading efficiency of curcumin.
-Stability against light degradation.
Whey protein isolate microgels, natural whey protein isolate, Gum arabic, whey protein isolate combined with gum arabic, maltodextrin, and modified starch (Capsul®)Pomegranate seed oil-All particles protected pomegranate seed oil from oxidation.
-Whey protein isolate combined with modified starch was protecting the best.
Zein proteinZein and tannic acid complexesCinnamon essential oil-Tannic acid decreases the superficial tension and accelerates zein adsorption.
-Controlled release of cinnamon essential oil.
-Antimicrobial activity against spoilage organisms.
Zein non-covalently bonded sodium abietateAvermectin (pesticide) dissolved in tea tree oil-Delivery system for pesticides (faster release at acidic or alkalyne conditions in comparison with neutral ones).
-Enhanced UV-resistance of avermectin.
-Antibacterial and insecticidal activities in vitro.
Pea protein isolate-zein complex particle prepared by hydrophobic interactionsCurcumin-Good storage stability (up to 30 days).
-Ionic strength resistance (up to 500 mM).
-High-temperature stability (80°C, 48 h).
-pH stability (pH 2–9).
-Enhanced stability of curcumin.
Zein-gallic acid covalent complex prepared by alkali treatmentCinnamon essential oilPickering emulsions incorporated into chitosan films facilitated a slow release of the essential oil, extending the antimicrobial activity of the films.[39]
Zein/tannic acid nanoparticles are obtained by covalent interactions of tannic acid with zein amino groups, followed by self-assembling to form nanoparticles through antisolvent precipitationOregano oil-Successful incorporation of the emulsions into konjac glucomannan films.
-Enhanced antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the films.
Zein/hyaluronic acid nanoparticles obtained by non-covalent interactionAstaxanthin-Stability of emulsions towards pepsin hydrolysis.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of astaxanthin.
Zein-tannic acid-sodium alginate complexesβ-carotene-Good pH and ionic strength stability.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of fatty acids and carotene.
-Rheological properties support the potential application of edible ink.
Covalent and non-covalent zein-gallic acid composite nanoparticlesAstaxanthinCovalently bonded composites significantly delayed the oxidation of the encapsulated algal oil, protected astaxanthin from heat, and increased its bioaccessibility.[43]
Zein nanoparticles and gum ArabicPeach polyphenols-Improved stability of peach polyphenols during UV irradiation, storage, and heating.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of polyphenols.
Zein nanoparticlesCinnamon essential oilEnhanced antimicrobial properties and control release of chitosan/gelatin films.[45]
Zein-proanthocyanidins-pectin ternary compositesCurcumin-Long term stabilized gel-like emulsions.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of curcumin.
Zein/Adzuki bean seed coat polyphenol nanoparticlesAstaxanthin-Enhanced stability of the emulsions against ionic strength and heat treatment.
-Retaining astaxanthin after exposure to high levels of UV light irradiation.
-Enhanced bioaccessibility of astaxanthin.
Zein nanoparticles coated with bioactive glycyrrhizic acid, through cross-linking with tannic acidCurcuminEnhanced bioaccessibility of curcumin when orally administered.[48]
Zein-lecithin-epigallocatechin complex nanoparticlesPeppermint oilSet-up of the formulation and physico-chemical characterization.[49]
Zein and sodium caseinate nanoparticlesClove essential oil-Clove essential oil-loaded zein-sodium caseinate successfully incorporated into chitosan films, decreasing the water vapor permeation.
-Controlled release of clove essential oil from the films in 96 h.
-Increased tensile strength and break elongation of chitosan films.
-Increased antibacterial properties.
Bare zein particles (hydrophobicity modulated by changing pH)Lactiplantibacillus plantarum-Optimal pH for zein particle adsorption: 6.6–8.9.
-Storage stability of microorganisms at 4°C.
Zein colloid particlesClove essential oil-Emulsions incorporated into chitosan films.
-Enhanced antibacterial properties of the films with Pickering emulsions.
Soy proteinGreen tea polysaccharide conjugates-soy protein isolate complexCurcuminProtection of curcumin from adverse pH, light, and temperature effects, with a retention rate of over 74.00%.[53]
Crosslinking soy protein isolate and chitooligosaccharide using genipinFucoxanthin-Improved fucoxanthin light retention.
-Theoretical support to preserve hydrophobic nutrients in commercial products.
Soybean protein isolate-citrus pectin-gallic acid complexβ-caroteneTheoretical guidance for the design of protein-polysaccharide-polyphenol stabilized Pickering emulsions.[55]
Soy protein hydrolyzate microgel particles produced at various pH (3, 5, 7, and 9) with and without ultrasonicationQuercetin-Storage stability of the emulsions.
-Suitable system to efficiently encapsulate quercetin, and also for its sustainable release.
Pea proteinUltrasound-treated pea protein isolate and mung bean starch complexesβ-carotene-Improved stability of β-carotene.
-Higher bioaccessibility of β-carotene.
Pea protein isolate-quillaja saponin-tannic acid self-assembled nanoparticles through non-covalent interactionsCurcumin-Theoretical support for multi-scale exploration of structure-properties relationships of nanoparticle.
-Tannic acid provides additional stability to the emulsions.
Pea protein-κ-carrageenan complexesCurcuminEnhanced stability of curcumin for the generation of 3D printed cake decorations.[59]
Pea protein isolate nanoparticles obtained by heat-assisted pH-shiftingCurcuminTheoretical basis for fabricating a prospective delivery system for improving bioavailability of hydrophobic nutraceuticals.[60]
Hydrolyzed pea protein at pH 3 and overnight storage at 4°CThymolSmart release of bactericidal agents.[61]
Pea protein-naringin complexesNaringinMask the bitter taste of naringin.[62]
Pea protein amyloid fibrils obtained by thermal treatment of purified pea protein in an acidic environment, leading to hydrolysis and re-assemblyLuteinStability of lutein against ultraviolet irradiation, heating, and iron.[63]
Pea protein-pectin-epigallocatechin gallate complexes for extrusion 3D-printingCinnamaldehydeRetain the cinnamaldehyde flavor, which supports the incorporation of emulsions in printed food.[64]
Pea protein and high methoxyl pectin colloidal particlesβ-caroteneEnhanced stability and controlled release of β-carotene.[65]