Summary of in vitro cytotoxicity studies of cane extracts effects on different types of cancer

EntryMethodVarietyPre-conditionsExtraction conditionsYieldsAssayPre-treatmentDose (µg/mL)Treatment time (h)Cell lineMajor findingsReference(s)
Stilbene aFlavanols b
1PLE (SWE)Tinta Roriz (TR), Touriga Nacional (TN), Alvarinho, LoureiroDried (50°C in oven) for 24 h, powdered < 1 mmWater 40 mL/g, 150°C,40 min, 4 MPa.186 µg/g dw (TN), 195 µg/g dw (TR)3,102 µg/g dw (Loureiro), 2,565 µg/g dw (TN)MTTLyophilized and filtered 0.45 µm Millex GV filters0.1–1,00024
  • HaCaT

  • HFF-1

Σ phenolic acids > Σ flavanols > Σ stilbenes; ↓cell viability of HaCaT: 24.4% (TR) and 28.8% (Loureiro) 1,000 µg/mL; ↓cell viability of HFF-1: < 7.6% (TR) for > 1 µg/mL, 58.8% (TN)–74.8% (Loureiro) for 1,000 µg/mL.[20]
2CSLEMixture Merlot and Cabernet SauvignonDried (in open air) for 2 months, powderedAcetone: H2O (6:4, v/v), 5 mL/g, rt, 12 h (2 times), stirring. Filtered, evaporated organic solvent, lyophilized. Washed with water in an Amberlite XAD-7 column, eluted with acetone (55 g/kg stilbene-enriched extract).45.4% (w/w)-MTT, NRStock solution DMSO 0.5%, 1,000 µg/mL0–10024–48
  • Caco-2

  • HepG2

ε-viniferin (16.34%, w/w) > trans-resveratrol (8.07%, w/w); ↓cell viability of HepG2: ≥ 30–40 µg/mL (24/48 h), EC50 (MTS): 31.2 (24 h) and 20.6 µg/mL (48 h); ↓cell viability of Caco-2: ≥ 30–40 µg/mL (24/48 h), EC50 (MTS): 55.8 (24 h) and 39.0 µg/mL (48 h).[12]
3CSLERieslingCut into pieces, dried (rt)MeOH:H2O:HCl 1N (80:19:1, v/v/v), 25 mL/g, rt, 2 times (1st: 60 min, 2nd: 30 min), stirring. Filtered (0.2 μm), evaporated organic solvent, and washed with water in an Amberlite XAD16N resin, eluted with EtOH 90%. Evaporated organic solvent and lyophilized.12,000 µg/g dwcABStock solution DMSO ≤ 1.0%5–5002–24HepG2↓cell viability of HepG2: < 80% for ≥ 200 µg/mL.[15]
4OHLoureiroDried (rt), powdered < 8 mmEtOH:H2O (45:55, v/v), 40 mL/g, 60 min, 80°C, IEF (840 V/cm). Filtered, evaporated organic solvent, lyophilized.654 µg/g dwc-MTTStock solution DMSO 0.5%-24–48
  • HepG2

  • Caco-2

  • MDA-MB-231

  • MCF-7

  • CCD841 CoN

Apigenin > quercetin > ellagic acid > hesperidin; IC50: 49.7–89.7 μg/mL (48 h).[17]
5UAEPinot NoirStored 3 months (rt), cut into pieces (1 cm)EtOH:H2O (80:20, v/v), 10 mL/g, 100 min, 80°C. Evaporated organic solvent.6.3% (w/w)1.11% (w/w)MTTStock solution DMSO ≤ 1.0%0–10072
  • MRC-5

  • AGS

  • SK-MES-1

  • J82

IC50: 9.6–57.5 μg/mL.[16]
6UAEMalbecAfter pruning (1 day), cut into pieces (2–4 cm), dried (60°C) until a constant weight. Powdered and stored (rt)EtOH:H2O (50:50, v/v), 50 mL/g, 60°C, 50 Hz, 1 h.1,864 µg/g dw1,111 µg/g dwMTTEvaporated organic solvent and filtered 0.22 µm. Stock solution 40 mg/mL0–4,00048
  • HBL-100

  • HCT-116

HBL-100: no toxicity, HCT-116: no toxicity.(This work)

a: Σ trans-resveratrol + Ɛ-viniferin; b: Σ (+)-catequin + (–)-epicatechin; c: µg/g dry extract; ↓: decreased regarding a control disease group. CSLE: conventional solid-liquid extraction; UAE: ultrasound assisted extraction; PLE: pressurized liquid extraction; SWE: subcritical water extraction; OH: ohmic heating; rt: room temperature; dw: dry weight; MTT: 3-(4,5-di-methylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrasodium bromide; NR: neutral rep uptake; AB: Alamar Blue® (resazurin); IC50: half maximal inhibitory concentration. Human colon (Caco-2 and HCT-116), breast (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7), liver (HepG2), gastric (AGS), lung (SK-MES-1), bladder (J82) cancer cell lines. Normal human colon (CCD841 CoN), lung (MRC-5), epithelium (HBL-100), dermal (HFF-1 and HaCaT) cell lines a: Σ trans-resveratrol + Ɛ-viniferin;