Low carbohydrate/ketogenic diet applications

CardiometabolicMixed effects on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations with some studies showing an increase. No clear evidence for advantages regarding effects on other cardiometabolic risk markers. May at the initiation of the diet (only) decrease blood pressure, triglyceride, and glycosylated haemoglobin concentration whilst increasing high-density lipoprotein.[35, 74, 75]
Diabetes type 2Reduction in the use of medication in type 2 diabetes management.[75]
EpilepsyManages epileptic seizures.[76]
The low sugar high-fat diet alters synaptic neuronal excitability and neuro protection reducing trigger seizures.[60, 7779]
Sport and enduranceForces the body to use fat as a fuel source, which is more readily stored in larger depots than glycogen.[19, 8083]
Weight lossMay at the initiation of the diet (only) support weight loss. Not superior to other diets.[2022, 35, 74, 75, 80, 84]