Mineral and vitamin compositions between palm wine analogue samples (E1–E7) and experimental palm sap samples (A1–A7) at various time intervals (0th–26th h)

Time interval (hour) Parameters samplesIron (mg/100 mL)Calcium (mg/100 mL)Zinc (mg/100 mL)Iodine (mg/100 mL)Vitamin A (Iµ)Vitamin C (mg/100 mL)
0thA10.968 ± 0.006l64.50 ± 0.707e0.027 ± 0.001a0.054 ± 0.000a83.68 ± 0.014n17.21 ± 0.014e
E10.421 ± 0.004d50.50 ± 0.707bc0.046 ± 0.001de0.062 ± 0.000c75.88 ± 0.021m3.41 ± 0.050b
2ndA20.373 ± 0.012b67.00 ± 1.414ef0.049 ± 0.003ef0.060 ± 0.000b70.23 ± 0.021k17.30 ± 0.141e
E20.611 ± 0.002g67.50 ± 0.707f0.065 ± 0.000g0.068 ± 0.000d73.77 ± 0.007l2.76 ± 0.014a
5thA30.979 ± 0.004l65.00 ± 1.414ef0.029 ± 0.004a0.080 ± 0.000f63.81 ± 0.035h20.65 ± 0.014h
E30.579 ± 0.001f52.50 ± 0.707c0.050 ± 0.002f0.077 ± 0.001e68.11 ± 0.028j4.13 ± 0.000c
9thA40.330 ± 0.002a66.00 ± 0.000ef0.038 ± 0.002bc0.102 ± 0.000h61.72 ± 0.028g20.61 ± 0.042h
E40.403 ± 0.001c46.00 ± 0.000a0.053 ± 0.001f0.088 ± 0.000g64.58 ± 0.050i4.13 ± 0.000c
14thA50.950 ± 0.004k81.00 ± 1.414h0.041 ± 0.004cd0.203 ± 0.000l56.73 ± 0.021f16.49 ± 0.028d
E50.718 ± 0.001i57.50 ± 0.707d0.077 ± 0.001h0.120 ± 0.002i37.61 ± 0.028e4.13 ± 0.000c
20thA60.772 ± 0.003j75.00 ± 1.414g0.035 ± 0.001b0.215 ± 0.000m33.31 ± 0.035b18.60 ± 0.028f
E60.660 ± 0.006h51.00 ± 1.414bc0.063 ± 0.002g0.135 ± 0.000j36.87 ± 0.021d4.13 ± 0.000c
26thA70.539 ± 0.001e67.00 ± 1.414ef0.029 ± 0.001a0.230 ± 0.002n31.49 ± 0.028a19.82 ± 0.021g
E70.578 ± 0.011f48.50 ± 2.121b0.051 ± 0.003f0.144 ± 0.000k36.00 ± 0.050c4.17 ± 0.007c

Values are in mean ± standard deviation from triplicate determinations. Means differently superscripted along the horizontal rows are significantly different (p < 0.05). A: experimental palm sap, (A1–A7) = samples of experimental palm sap analyzed at different categories of time interval (0th–26th h); E: palm wine analogue, (E1–E7) = samples of palm wine analogue analyzed at different categories of time interval (0th–26th h)