Thickness, diameter, and weight of the high-fiber biscuits

Thickness (cm)0.32 ± 0.05a0.36 ± 0.02ab0.42 ± 0.02ab0.47 ± 0.02b0.35 ± 0.01ab
Diameter (cm)4.67 ± 0.12a5.17 ± 0.07ab5.47 ± 0.09b5.03 ± 0.07ab5.23 ± 0.22ab
Weight (g)6.87 ± 0.27ab7.13 ± 0.30ab7.03 ± 0.13ab7.97 ± 0.66b6.20 ± 0.17a
Spread ratio15.02 ± 1.99a14.36 ± 1.05a13.04 ± 0.38a10.70 ± 0.65a14.91 ± 1.19a
L*67.40 ± 5.02a66.17 ± 2.28a54.93 ± 4.11a64.73 ± 3.08a68.73 ± 6.54a
a*19.93 ± 5.71a18.03 ± 4.13a30.70 ± 3.99a15.97 ± 6.15a12.57 ± 1.57a
b*48.33 ± 4.41a39.87 ± 15.19a52.53 ± 2.12a51.37 ± 8.19a50.70 ± 3.17a
Browning index29.01 ± 8.98a25.57 ± 7.29a47.99 ± 7.13a25.61 ± 8.25a20.82 ± 2.83a

B1: biscuit made from formulated flour 1; B2: biscuit made from formulated flour 2; B3: biscuit made from formulated flour 3; B4: biscuit made from formulated flour 4; Control: biscuit made from wheat flour; L*: lightness; a*: position of color in the green-red axis; b*: position of color in the blue-yellow axis. Values carrying different superscripts (a, b) in the same row are statistically significant (P < 0.05)