Major changes in the HUMANE checklist

SectionGoogle Forms v1.0
8 sections, 56 questions
REDCap v2.0
8 sections, 50 questions
No. of questionsContentAnswer formatNo. of questionsChanges made
Title2The basic structure of the title5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)2The answer format changed from a numerical scale to Yes/No
Abstract1Essential components of abstract5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)1The answer format changed from a numerical scale to Agree/Partially agree/Disagree
Introduction5Various aspects of background and introduction with a focus on rationale, objectives, knowledge gap, and potential impact-6The first question expanded to elaborate on the rationale of the introduction with Yes/No answers
Methods 4a8Various aspects of data: data source, study design, timeline, data pre-curation steps and data categorization5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)8The answer format of the question on the difference between training and validation datasets changed to Temporally/Geographically/Both/None. Answer format of other questions changed to Yes/No/Unclear/NA as appropriate
Methods 4b2Informed consent and inclusion-exclusion criteria as a part of the methods section5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)2Answer format changed to Yes/No/NA
Methods 4c5AI model outcomes5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)5The answer format changed to Yes/No/NA. Question on models using triage or diagnostic pathways adjusted to include options for “intended role” and “diagnostic elements”, respectively. Redundant questions on the knowledge gap and overfitting of AI models were removed
Methods 4d3Statistical analysis methods5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)4The answer format changed to Yes/No/NA. Question on overfitting protocol rephrased
Section 5a (Ground Truth)5Ground truths applied in AI model development5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)6The answer format changed to Yes/No/NA. Answer options for “prospective” and “retrospective” were added where appropriate. Branching logic of Yes/No question on ground truth supervised learning model was added
Section 5b (Expert(s) Review)5Experts’ role in reviewing ground truth labelsNumerical scale1Answer options changed to reflect the nature of expert roles with Unclear/NA options added where appropriate. One representative question is kept in the final checklist
Results14Comprehensive cover of reporting of results-9Added free text boxes to elaborate if selected “other” option for calibration and performance metrics. Some questions changed to allow more than one response. Question addressing algorithmic bias added. Removed 6 questions due to not being relevant to the results section, including comparison with past literature, whether the validation dataset was distinct, evaluating model fairness, providing differential diagnoses and confidence estimates, reporting values of the measured variable, and reiterating the purpose of AI technology (removed mode of fairness, diagnostic cues, diagnostic distinct, differential diagnosis, values of the measured variable)
Discussion5Study summary, strengths and weaknesses of study, conclusion5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)5Rephrased for conciseness. Answer format changed to Yes/No/NA
Other and conflict of interest1Free text boxes for feedback-1Only one free text box retained
Collaborative author details-Details of survey respondents---

-: No data. AI: artificial intelligence