Hypercontractile phenotype and prognosis

ParameterCut-offPopulation EF methodFindingReference
EF≥ 65%5,127 females with ACSQualitativeHR = 2.0 for 6-month death and 2.5 for in-hospital deathSaab et al. [91], 2010
≥ 70%403,977 allcomersQualitativeHR = 1.71 (HR = 1.17 for EF 65–70%) for all-cause deathWehner et al. [9], 2020
> 70%499,153 allcomersQuantitative Mortality rate slightly increase for EF > 75%Stewart et al. [92], 2021
> 70%33,699 HF patientsQuantitativeHR = 1.33 for non-cv deathKondo et al. [33], 2023
> 65%6,128 acute HF patientsQuantitativeHR = 2.65 for non-cv deathvan Essen et al. [8], 2023
> 60%255 acute HF patientsQualitativeEvent-free survival was worseOhte et al. [34], 2024
> 70%16,994 allcomersQuantitativeHR = 1.56 for all-cause deathGotsman et al. [7], 2023
GLS> 26.7%502 with EF ≥ 55%Not significant for cv death/cardiac hospitalizationVerdonschot et al. [36], 2021

EF: ejection fraction; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; HF: heart failure; HR: hazard ratio; GLS: global longitudinal strain