Writing a reviewer’s report

Revision stepsDo’sDon’ts
Accept positionAccept if within your area of expertise and no conflicts of interestDecline because you have no time to waste
Timing of revisionRespect the deadline or ask for extra-timeDo not answer even to decline the invitation
The first sentence of the reportSummarize the paper’s main findingsExpress your final judgment
The second sentence of the reportOverall strengths and weaknesses of the manuscriptOpinion without arguments
Third sentenceMajor comments, specifying mandatory and optional suggestionsConfrontational/Inflammatory/Personal comments
Forth sentenceMinor comments (specifying page and line of the manuscript under review)Flag on typos or spelling mistakes
Confidential comment to the editorClear and concise. Raise potential contentious or sensitive issues when needed: plagiarism, conflict of interest, and so onDestructive and personal
Key factors for setting priority for publicationOriginality; methodology, presentationYour friend, fellow, companion in the grant proposal, member of your academic family, economic shared interests, a high number of your references