Demographic and background information prior to ECMO cannulation

DemographicsExtubated on ECMO (N = 14)Remained intubated on ECMO (N = 11)p-value
Age37 ± 9.746 ± 120.084
        Female3 (21%)2 (18%)
        Male11 (79%)9 (82%)
Height (cm)174 ± 19169 ± 240.62
Weight (kg)115 ± 26122 ± 260.72
BMI39 ± 1549 ± 370.29
Hx prior lung disease0.39
        Asthma4 (29%)2 (18%)
        None10 (71%)7 (64%)
        OSA02 (18%)
Time on Non-Invasive Ventilation (days)3.4 ± 5.33.2 ± 3.60.68
Time of symptoms before intubation (days)12 ± 6.29.8 ± 6.80.47
        No4 (29%)2 (18%)
        Yes10 (71%)9 (82%)
Days on ventilator before initiation of ECMO1.9 ± 24 ± 3.90.078
Ventilator settings prior to ECMO
        Peak pressure (cmH2O)30 ± 4.232 ± 5.30.31
        PEEP (cmH2O)16 ± 316 ± 2.80.65
        FiO2 (%)98 ± 4.396 ± 9.20.97
        Tidal volume (mL)467 ± 94416 ± 910.27

1 cmH2O = 0.0980665 kPa. ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; BMI: body mass index; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure; FiO2: fraction inspired