Medications used, ventilator settings, and ECMO settings throughout the course of treatment

Clinical characteristicsExtubated on ECMO (N = 14)Remain Intubated on ECMO (N = 11)p-value
Sedation medications dosages
        Propofol (mcg/kg/min)55 ± 1459 ± 150.42
        Versed (mg/kg)0.079 ± 0.0330.11 ± 0.0770.56
        Fentanyl (mcg)184 ± 57175 ± 770.92
        No3 (21%)2 (18%)
        Yes11 (79%)9 (82%)
Vasoactive drugs dosages
        Norepinephrine (mcg/kg/min)0.034 ± 0.0220.12 ± 0.0930.04
        Epinephrine (mcg/kg/min)0.16 ± 0.050.1 ± 0.030.99
Days on ventilator19 ± 1459 ± 410.012
Type ECMO0.42
        VV-bicaval2 (14%)2 (18%)
        VV-bifemoral01 (9%)
        VV-protek duo12 (86%)7 (64%)
        VA01 (9%)
Total days on ECMO32 ± 1451 ± 370.31
Tidal Volume day 14 (mL)233 ± 119166 ± 1400.22
Tidal Volume day 28 (mL)212 ± 73239 ± 1270.95
ECMO settings at time extubation for group A
        Flow (L/min)4.8 ± 0.774.4 ± 0.95
        FiO2 (%)88 ± 1680 ± 34
        Sweep (L)3.8 ± 3.76 ± 4.9
Ventilator (oxygen) settings at the time of decannulation for group B (group A extubated)
        FiO2 (%)44 ± 1241 ± 3.2
        Pressure support (cmH2O)N/A14 ± 3.5
        PEEP (cmH2O)N/A7.9 ± 2.2

1 cmH2O = 0.0980665 kPa. ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; VV: veno-venous; VA: veno-arterial; PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure; FiO2: fraction inspired; N/A: not applicable