The summary of original retrospective studies on predictors of VAs or SCD in MVP patients

StudyYearNo. of AMVP patientsFemale (%)Age (years)AMVP risk factors
Akcay et al. [31]20103072%

42 ± 15

36 ± 13

Mitral anterior leaflet length

Enhanced QTcD

Sriram et al. [50]20131090%33 ± 16


Female sex


Biphasic/inverted inferior T waves

Basso et al. [2]20153073%41 ± 12Fibrosis of PMs and inferobasal LV free wall, detected by LGE on CMR
Bui et al. [37]20171429%55 ± 13Reduced postcontrast T1 times suggestive of diffuse myocardial fibrosis
Garbi et al. [53]20186848%38 ± 15

Bileaflet prolapse

Mitralannulus dilatation

Degenerative features of the myocytes

Right ventricular fibrosis

Ermakov et al. [57]2019325357 ± 13Increased DM by speckle-tracking echocardiography
Essayagh et al. [23]20202573968 ± 15

ST-T changes




QTc interval


MR grade

Pavon et al. [36]2021304050 ± 17


ECV > 27%

Vairo et al. [56]2023228644 ± 14

AP diameter/AML length ratio

The mitral valve annulus indexed area

The inferolateral basal S3 velocity

The AML length

The basal/mid-ventricular segments DM