Prediction performance of FLI, HSI, FSI, and ZJU index for MAFLD based on QCT-β ≥ 6%

IndicesAUC (95% CI)Cut-offSN (%)SP (%)
FLI0.810 (0.798–0.821)27.075.2671.91
HSI0.782 (0.770–0.794)*33.470.9870.57
FSI0.812 (0.800–0.823)13.678.7568.89
ZJU index0.810 (0.799–0.822)35.076.9070.57

The asterisk (*) means a statistically lower AUC than the other three. AUC: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; SN: sensitivity; SP: specificity; FLI: fatty liver index; HSI: hepatic steatosis index; FSI: Framingham Steatosis index; ZJU index: Zhejiang University index