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    Original Article

    Interaction of asthma, co-occurring mental illness, and geography on California emergency department visits, 2005–2014

    Jim E. Banta *
    Ivie C Egiebor
    Chanell Grismore
    Macy Westbrook
    James M. Banta

    Explor Asthma Allergy. 2024;2:551–571 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37349/eaa.2024.00064

    Received: October 26, 2023 Accepted: September 12, 2024 Published: November 04, 2024

    Academic Editor: Pasquale Caponnetto, University of Catania, Italy

    This article belongs to the special issue Asthma and its Relationship with Psychological and Psychopathological Factors



    To determine temporal changes in the frequency of asthma and mental illness in California emergency department (ED) visits and examine predictors of both asthma diagnosis and non-routine discharge from asthma visits.


    Public-use, all-payer ED data from non-federal, acute-care hospitals (2005–2014) were obtained for cross-sectional analysis. Due to substantial missing data, we used fully conditional specification multiple imputation with discriminant functions for age group, sex, race, and ethnicity. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine asthma diagnosis (yes/no) among all ED visits and non-routine discharge (sent home vs. all else) among visits with asthma diagnosis. Primary independent variables were mental illness and the 3-digit zipcode of the patient’s residence. Covariates included demographics, payer type, and hospital characteristics.


    During 2005–2014 there were 96,180,176 visits at 349 hospitals, and asthma diagnosis increased from 3.3% of ED visits in 2005 to 5.9% in 2014. However, asthma as a primary diagnosis decreased from 1.7% to 1.4% of ED visits. Among visits with asthma diagnosis (n = 4,419,629), co-occurring mood disorders increased from 2.1% in 2005 to 9.2% in 2014. Predictors of asthma diagnosis included attention deficit/conduct disorders [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 1.41, 95% confidence interval (1.40–1.42)] and mood disorders [AOR 1.37, (1.36–1.37)]. Compared to Los Angeles, cities/areas most associated with asthma diagnosis were Richmond [zipcode 948, AOR 1.22 (1.20–1.24)], Bakersfield [933, AOR 1.21 (1.19–1.24)], and San Bernardino [924, AOR 1.20 (1.19–1.22)]. Ninety-six percent of ED visits with asthma resulted in routine discharge. Predictors of non-routine discharge included suicide/self-harm [AOR 4.74 (4.67–4.81)], schizophrenia [1.97 (1.94–1.99)], and mood disorders [1.35 (1.34–1.36)]. Areas associated with non-routine discharge included the Bakersfield vicinity [932, 1.29 (1.17–1.41)] and Ventura [930, 1.23 (1.10–1.38)].


    Increased co-occurring mental illness among asthma-related ED visits suggests a need to improve care among those having co-occurrence. Understanding regional differences in asthma-related ED visits and hospitalization may improve interventions.


    Asthma, emergency service, hospital, schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, cities


    Asthma prevalence varies by multiple factors, particularly socio-demographics [1]. Surveillance data from the 2021 National Health Interview Survey revealed an overall prevalence of 7.7% of current asthma in the United States, with a rate of 6.5% among children/youth and 8.0% among adults 18 years of age and greater [2]. Females had a higher rate of asthma than males, 8.9% vs. 6.5%, respectively, as did those below the federal poverty level (FPL: 10.4%) versus 6.8% among those at greater than 450% of FPL [2]. In addition, the overall prevalence of current asthma ranged from 4.1% among Asians to 10.9% among Blacks and 12.3% among American Indian/Alaska Natives [24].

    There are complex interactions of socio-demographics and geography regarding asthma prevalence. A study of U.S. counties found temperature to be negatively associated with asthma and poverty to be positively associated [5]. Higher rates of smoking and depression were also associated with higher rates of asthma [5]. Research in Spain regarding lifestyle, socioeconomic, and climate indicators found that lifestyle was most closely tied to the prevalence of asthma in most of the study area, though in some areas urban characteristics and local climate had a stronger impact [6]. As one example of human/environment interaction, research of three U.S. cities, including Los Angeles, found that extreme heat and ozone had the strongest asthma impact on elderly adults [7].

    National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey data from 2010 to 2015 indicated 1.77 million asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits per year, with 1.32% of all U.S. ED visits being asthma-related [3]. Multiple factors contribute to asthma treatment. For example, age and sex have a significant role in when an individual will seek medical attention for asthma [8], such as women in their forties being more likely to seek medical care compared to men [9]. African Americans have a higher rate of ED visits [10], while those who are non-white [11] and lower income are more likely to be hospitalized [12]. Depression is associated with reduced adherence to treatment and increased risk of hospitalization [13]. Among patients with asthma, those reporting psychological distress were more likely to have ED visits than those having no psychological distress [14]. A national study of those with asthma found that after an ED visit, whites and females were most likely to be hospitalized; there were seasonal trends, children with Medicaid were less likely to be hospitalized while adults with Medicaid were more likely, and the likelihood was highest among those living in lower-income zipcodes [15]. Furthermore, limited access to medical care, medications, and monitoring technology, as well as other barriers to treatment adherence all contribute to unnecessary acute care [4]. Some of the barriers to asthma medication adherence include binge drinking, smoking, and being overweight [16].

    The current study focused on ED visits in one large state—California. Objectives were to: 1) determine the occurrence of asthma diagnoses and explore the association of hospital and patient characteristics, particularly mental illness and patient residence on the presence of asthma; 2) explore the association of patient and hospital characteristics on the discharge status of asthma ED visits; 3) explore changes over time in asthma and mental illness diagnoses.

    Materials and methods

    Data & subjects

    Public-use ED data on CD-ROMs were obtained from the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) for general acute-care hospitals, excluding federal hospitals. Though public-use CDs are no longer available, researchers may obtain hospital-related data through the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI).

    The utilization data included 97,639,808 ED visits between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2014. Annual hospital-level summary measures [17] were merged with utilization data using a hospital identification code and year of visit. Of ED visits, 1.49% were not matched to hospital data and thus dropped, with the final analysis being done using 96,180,176 visits at 349 unique hospitals.


    Analysis was guided by Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization [18]. The conceptual model considers the effects of contextual factors, such as time, environment, and healthcare system as well as individual characteristics (predisposing, enabling, and need) on access to healthcare and outcomes. With this theoretical model, it is appropriate to use reasonable measures for each element of the model, even if a specific variable is not significantly associated with the outcome. Equitable access occurs when the clinical need for services is the biggest predictor of utilization and inequitable to the extent that individual predisposing factors such as race and sex, enabling measures such as income and insurance, and contextual measures including the healthcare “system” dominate observed utilization [18]. The two outcome measures were any asthma diagnosis (yes/no) among all ED visits and non-routine disposition (yes/no) among asthma-related visits. This mostly included hospitalization and transfer to another facility but also included leaving against medical advice and mortality [19].

    ED data included the year treated, demographics, expected source of payment, primary diagnosis, up to 24 secondary diagnoses, and disposition of discharge [20]. Primary diagnosis is generally the main reason for the visit and the main billable code. Asthma was measured by the presence of an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition (ICD-9: 493) diagnosis of asthma. Mental illness was considered a personal predisposing—vulnerable domain measure [21]. It was measured using the Clinical Classification Software (CCS) schema for ICD-9 [22] developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. CCS categorizes thousands of individual ICD-9 codes into 270 clinically meaningful categories. Five groups of mental illness are shown in Table 1.

    Descriptive statistics for ED visits, by asthma diagnosis

    MeasuresNo Asthma (%)
    n = 91,760,547
    Percent 95.40%
    Asthma (%)
    n =4,419,629
    Percent 4.60%
    Year of visit< 0.0001
    Hospital control< 0.0001
    Hospital teaching/location< 0.0001
            Urban, non-teaching77.3378.96
            Rural, non-teaching8.467.53
            Urban, teaching14.2113.51
    Hospital licensed bed size< 0.0001
            1 to 49 beds3.322.41
            50 to 99 beds4.864.76
            100 to 149 beds9.969.50
            150 to 199 beds12.4313.26
            200 to 299 beds20.0122.21
            300 to 499 beds35.2435.30
            500+ beds14.2012.56
    Hospital system status< 0.0001
            In system of 3+ hospitals57.0661.52
            Not in a system42.9438.48
    DSH status< 0.0001
            DSH hospital35.7134.07
            Non-DSH hospital64.2965.93
    Hospital Kaiser Permanente status< 0.0001
    Age group< 0.0001
            0 to 17 years2.461.06
            18 to 64 years53.1150.74
            65 years and greater7.904.84
    Sex< 0.0001
    Race< 0.0001
    Ethnicity< 0.0001
    Age group< 0.0001
            0 to 17 years4.072.87
            18 to 64 years83.3986.74
            65 years and greater12.5410.39
    Sex+< 0.0001
    Race< 0.0001
    Ethnicity< 0.0001
    Predisposing-vulnerable domain
    CCS 651 anxiety disorders< 0.0001
    CCS 652 attention-deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavior disorders< 0.0001
    CCS 657 mood disorders< 0.0001
    CCS 659 schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders< 0.0001
    CCS 662 suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury< 0.0001
    Payer source< 0.0001
            Private insurance38.5538.59
            Other government3.482.27
    Asthma as a primary diagnosis< 0.0001
    Discharge status< 0.0001
            Admitted to inpatient2.061.66
            Left against medical advice2.231.09
            Court/law enforcement0.180.14
            Other, such as long-term care1.401.05
    Display full size

    CCS: Clinical Classification Software; ED: emergency department; DSH: Disproportionate Share Hospital; *: comparisons are for groups, not individual levels; +: imputed demographics based on averages of 961 million records

    The three-digit zip code for patient residence served as the primary context/environment measure, with all zips outside of California being recoded to one value and another for homeless/missing data. Summary hospital data served as a group of context measures and included OSHPD-defined categories for licensed bed size, academic affiliation/rural status, ownership type, any receipt of Disproportionate Share funds (for serving many low-income patients), and whether the hospital was part of Kaiser Permanente (a large integrated health maintenance organization). In addition, OSHPD provided a system name was provided for hospitals being part of a system having three or more hospitals, which we re-coded to yes/no.

    Between 2005 and 2011 the public-use data included patient age (individual years, 5-year groupings, and 3 groups (youth/adult/senior), sex, race, and ethnicity. No demographic data was released in public-use files between 2012 and 2015. There have been other analyses despite such missing data, though with a different imputation strategy [23]. A minority of missing/unknown demographic data between 2005 and 2011 could be considered missing at random (MAR). Most of the missing demographic data during that time was missing not at random (MNAR) since patient-level masking was done by OSHPD according to an algorithm based on the number of visits to a specific hospital. Between 2012 and 2014 one might argue MAR since missingness applied equally to everyone. Prior to running multiple imputations, we searched ICD-9 codes to update unknown demographics for those most likely to be female, i.e. pregnancy-related diagnoses (1,796,149 visits), male reproductive-related (463,679 visits), or youth, i.e. newborn/infant-related (93,564 visits).

    Following the diagnosis update, 51.23% of cases had valid data in all four demographics, 8.73% had valid data for two or three demographic measures, and 34.55% had no demographic data. In addition, 3.27% had only age group, 2.20% had only sex, 0.02% had only race, and 0.1% had only ethnicity. Missingness for specific variables is shown in Table 1. We used a fully conditional specification multiple implementation methods [24], with a discriminant function for age group (0–17 years, 18–64, 65 plus), sex (male/female), race (white/non-white), and ethnicity (Hispanic/non-Hispanic). In addition to these four demographic measures, the imputation approach included continuous measures for year, patient zip code, and actual number of hospital beds. We generated ten iterations. It would have been preferable to have more iterations, but we faced computational limitations.


    Cross-tabulations of utilization data were used to create line graphs by year showing a number of visits and percentages based on asthma and mental illness diagnoses. Cross-tabulations and Chi-square testing were conducted to present and compare patient and hospital characteristics, grouped by asthma status (yes/no). Most of this was done using the original data file. Demographic comparisons were done using averages from the 10× multiple imputation file.

    The combined influence of need, enabling, predisposing, and contextual characteristics on both asthma diagnosis (yes/no) and discharge status (routine/non-routine) were assessed with multivariable logistic regression using the multiple imputation dataset.

    The multiple imputation analysis consisted of running separate multivariable regressions for each iteration (in our case 10 iterations) and then summarizing the parameter estimates. The logistic regression for any asthma diagnosis was based on a ten-iteration imputed file (n = 961,801,760). The multiple imputation analyze function had a relative efficiency of 0.949985 for youth and 0.98032 for Hispanic, with the relative efficiency for all other variables exceeding 0.999. Logistic regression for non-routine disposition among asthma cases was based on a smaller subset of imputed data (n = 44,196,290).

    Finally, in order to examine the potential interaction of mental illness and time, we ran logistic regression models on the original data using all variables except for demographics, since the MI analyze procedure could not present combined interaction terms. The mental illness and year interaction terms were graphed using Microsoft Excel.

    Data processing and analyses were conducted using SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute, Gary, North Carolina). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. This research was determined to not need human subjects review by the Institutional Review Board review at Loma Linda University (IRB# 5240531).


    Figure 1A shows that the number of ED visits increased by 34.6%, from 8,355,151 in 2005 to 11,399,148 in 2014. The percentage of ED visits having any asthma diagnosis increased by 44.4%, from 3.25% of all visits in 2005 to 5.85% in 2014. On the other hand, the percentage of ED visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis decreased by 17.6%, dropping from 1.69% in 2005 to 1.43% in 2014.

    Diagnosis-related trends in California emergency departments (ED). A. California emergency department visits and asthma diagnoses, 2005–2014 (n = 96,180,176); B. percentages of selected mental diagnoses based on asthma status among California ED visits

    As shown in Figure 1B, the percentage of visits with a mental illness diagnosis tripled among asthma visits, while at most doubling among non-asthma visits. The biggest increase was for mood disorders, which increased from 2.06% among asthma visits in 2005 to 9.18% in 2014. Next was anxiety disorders, which increased from 2.22% among asthma visits in 2005 to 7.79% of visits in 2014. Finally, schizophrenia increased from 0.50 in 2005 to 1.60% in 2014.

    Table 1 and Table 2 present characteristics in hospital and patient characteristics between visits based on the presence of an asthma diagnosis. Due to the large sample size, all comparisons were significant at p < 0.001. Asthma was documented in 4.60% of all ED visits. Among context measures, the relative number of visits with asthma increased each year compared to non-asthma cases and were more common at non-profit hospitals and those in a system of three or more hospitals, particularly Kaiser hospitals. Under pre-disposing measures, both the raw demographics with missing data are shown, as well as the multiple implementation values. The largest demographic difference is that non-whites accounted for a larger percentage of asthma visits (39.44% vs. 36.35%). Mood disorders accounted for 6.16% of asthma-related visits and anxiety disorders for 5.03%. Those with Medicaid as a payer source accounted for 34.87% of asthma visits and 27.95% of non-asthma visits. Most ED visits resulted in patients being sent home, 96.00% of asthma visits and 93.95% of non-asthma visits. One third of ED visits with any asthma diagnosis had asthma as the primary diagnosis.

    Frequencies of total emergency department visits and percent with an asthma diagnosis by three-digit zipcode in California, 2005–2014

        Patient 3-digit zip codeFrequencyPercent with asthma
            900 Los Angeles6,076,4554.61
            902 Inglewood vicinity2,789,5234.11
            903 Inglewood390,6185.95
            904 Santa Monica198,3523.30
            905 Torrance327,8743.36
            906 Whittier1,768,8564.28
            907 Long Beach vicinity1,603,9823.91
            908 Long Beach1,318,3184.64
            910 Pasadena vicinity504,2143.72
            911 Pasadena322,0614.39
            912 Glendale404,4143.16
            913 Van Nuys vicinity3,049,6883.97
            914 Van Nuys819,7864.16
            915 Burbank220,7223.46
            916 Hollywood505,9433.86
            917 Alhambra vicinity4,097,5783.80
            918 Alhambra141,3563.37
            919 San Diego South1,242,5875.65
            920 San Diego North2,475,0594.29
            921 San Diego2,684,5754.80
            922 Indio2,505,4103.64
            923 San Bernardino vicinity3,404,3215.37
            924 San Bernardino1,027,1214.98
            925 Riverside3,492,6265.19
            926 Santa Ana vicinity2,126,4973.14
            927 Santa Ana 1,062,1063.52
            928 Anaheim2,716,3894.17
            930 Ventura1,657,1373.46
            931 Santa Barbara349,0383.07
            932 Bakersfield vicinity2,311,5584.01
            933 Bakersfield1,563,0585.22
            934 San Luis Obispo1,379,1393.27
            935 Mojave1,662,7073.44
            936 Fresno vicinity1,811,0914.88
            937 Fresno1,658,9486.13
            939 Salinas1,138,0523.56
            940 San Francisco South1,636,3284.28
            941 San Francisco1,772,9924.24
            943 Palo Alto189,1684.43
            944 San Mateo318,5363.27
            945 Oakland vicinity5,977,4336.55
            946 Oakland1,455,3336.85
            947 Berkeley260,0835.84
            948 Richmond619,9566.72
            949 San Rafael889,5234.63
            950 San Jose vicinity1,653,3863.89
            951 San Jose2,127,7414.06
            952 Stockton North1,419,8575.51
            953 Stockton South3,554,1364.01
            954 Santa Rosa1,645,5134.83
            955 Eureka647,0295.65
            956 Sacramento vicinity 12,765,8915.63
            957 Sacramento east/vicinity 2557,6285.83
            958 Sacramento2,297,5376.20
            959 Marysville1,587,9584.21
            960 Redding1,223,8274.96
            961 Reno (NV)324,8673.08
            Outside of California1,411,4323.50
    Display full size

    A contextual measure for geography is presented in Table 2, where data are shown for 57 spatial regions in California based on patient residence. The number of visits ranged from 6.08 million ED visits in the city of Los Angeles (three-digit zip code of 900) down to 141,356 visits in Alhambra (918). The percentage of ED visits with asthma ranged from 3.07% in Santa Barbara (931) to 6.85% in Oakland (946).

    Table 3 explores multivariate associations of patient and hospital characteristics with presence of an asthma diagnosis. One can see that the likelihood of asthma started increasing in 2010. Among the ten zip codes with the highest adjusted odds ratio (AORs) compared to Los Angeles: five were in the Bay Area (Richmond, Oakland, Palo Alto, Oakland vicinity, and Sacramento); two were in the agricultural Central Valley (Bakersfield and Fresno), one in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino), and two just over the mountains from Bakersfield: Ventura to the West—along the coast and Mojave to the East in the desert. Asthma was most likely among hospitals having 150 to 199 beds (AOR 1.27 compared to 500+ beds), urban teaching hospitals (AOR 1.21 compared to urban non-teaching), and hospitals in a system (AOR 1.15 compared to non-system hospitals). Hispanics and males were less likely to have asthma, with the strongest reduction being among children (AOR 0.80 compared to adults). Mental illnesses most strongly associated with an asthma diagnosis were attention-deficit/conduct disorders (AOR 1.41), mood disorders (AOR 1.37), and suicide/self-harm (AOR 0.72). The most notable payer source was Medicaid (AOR 1.31 compared to private insurance).

    Multivariate odds of a California ED visit having an asthma diagnosis (regression using 10× imputed dataset, i.e. n = 961,801,760)

    VariableAOR95% CIp-value
    Year of visit
            2005 (ref.)
            20060.85(0.85, 0.86)< 0.0001
            20070.86(0.86, 0.86)< 0.0001
            20080.89(0.89, 0.89)< 0.0001
            20090.97(0.96, 0.97)< 0.0001
            20101.06(1.06, 1.06)< 0.0001
            20111.12(1.12, 1.12)< 0.0001
            20121.16(1.15,1.16)< 0.0001
            20131.19(1.19, 1.19)< 0.0001
            20141.22(1.21, 1.22)< 0.0001
    Patient three-digit zip code
            Los Angeles (ref.)
            Richmond1.22(1.20, 1.24)< 0.0001
            Bakersfield1.21(1.19, 1.24)< 0.0001
            San Bernardino1.20(1.19, 1.22)< 0.0001
            Oakland1.17(1.16, 1.19)< 0.0001
            Palo Alto1.14(1.11, 1.17)< 0.0001
            Oakland vicinity1.11(1.09, 1.12)< 0.0001
            Ventura1.08(1.06, 1.11)< 0.0001
            Mojave1.08(1.06, 1.10)< 0.0001
            Sacramento1.07(1.05, 1.08)< 0.0001
            Fresno1.07(1.05, 1.09)< 0.0001
            Bakersfield vicinity1.06(1.04, 1.07)< 0.0001
            Berkeley1.05(1.03, 1.07)< 0.0001
            San Francisco1.05(1.03, 1.06)< 0.0001
            San Jose1.04(1.03, 1.06)< 0.0001
            San Bernardino vicinity1.04(1.03, 1.05)< 0.0001
            Stockton North1.04(1.02, 1.06)< 0.0001
            San Diego1.04(1.03, 1.05)< 0.0001
            San Francisco South1.03(1.02, 1.05)< 0.0001
            Long Beach1.03(1.01, 1.04)< 0.0001
            Inglewood1.02(1.01, 1.04)0.0041
            Eureka1.02(0.99, 1.06)0.195
            Van Nuys1.02(1.00, 1.03)0.0526
            San Diego South1.02(1.00, 1.03)0.0529
            Santa Barbara1.01(0.98, 1.05)0.4907
            San Mateo1.01(0.98, 1.03)0.5338
            San Rafael1.01(0.99, 1.03)0.4707
            Sacramento vicinity 11.01(1.00, 1.02)0.2251
            Van Nuys vicinity1.00(0.99, 1.01)0.7977
            Sacramento east/vicinity 21.00(0.98, 1.02)0.9604
            Riverside1.00(0.99, 1.01)0.7456
            Santa Monica1.00(0.97, 1.02)0.8119
            Pasadena0.99(0.97, 1.01)0.521
            Alhambra vicinity0.99(0.98, 1.00)0.0147
            Stockton South0.99(0.97, 1.00)0.0955
            Hollywood0.98(0.96, 1.00)0.0292
            San Jose vicinity0.98(0.97, 1.00)0.014
            Pasadena vicinity0.98(0.96, 1.00)0.0219
            Indio0.97(0.96, 0.99)0.0014
            Whittier0.97(0.96, 0.98)< 0.0001
            Burbank0.97(0.94, 0.99)0.0078
            Long Beach vicinity0.96(0.95, 0.98)< 0.0001
            Redding0.96(0.94, 0.99)0.0118
            San Diego North0.96(0.95, 0.98)< 0.0001
            Alhambra0.96(0.93, 0.99)0.0062
            Santa Rosa0.95(0.93, 0.97)< 0.0001
            Marysville0.95(0.93, 0.97)< 0.0001
            Inglewood vicinity0.95(0.94, 0.96)< 0.0001
            Reno (NV)0.95(0.91, 0.98)0.0041
            Fresno vicinity0.95(0.93, 0.96)< 0.0001
            Salinas0.92(0.89, 0.95)< 0.0001
            San Luis Obispo0.92(0.89, 0.95)< 0.0001
            Outside of California0.92(0.91, 0.93)< 0.0001
            Torrance0.90(0.88, 0.92)< 0.0001
            Anaheim0.89(0.88, 0.90)< 0.0001
            Santa Ana vicinity0.86(0.85, 0.87)< 0.0001
            Glendale0.85(0.84, 0.87)< 0.0001
            Santa Ana0.83(0.82, 0.84)< 0.0001
            Homeless/unknown0.79(0.78, 0.79)< 0.0001
    Hospital control
            Government1.08(1.07, 1.10)< 0.0001
            For-Profit0.94(0.93, 0.94)< 0.0001
            Non-Profit (ref.)
    Hospital teaching/location
            Urban, non-teaching (ref.)
            Rural, non-teaching0.88(0.87, 0.89)< 0.0001
            Urban, teaching1.21(1.20, 1.22)< 0.0001
    Hospital licensed bed size
            1 to 49 beds0.65(0.63, 0.66)< 0.0001
            50 to 99 beds0.98(0.97, 0.99)< 0.0001
            100 to 149 beds1.14(1.13, 1.15)< 0.0001
            150 to 199 beds1.27(1.26, 1.28)< 0.0001
            200 to 299 beds1.11(1.10, 1.12)< 0.0001
            300 to 499 beds0.95(0.94, 0.96)< 0.0001
            500+ beds (ref.)
    Hospital system status
            In system of 3+ hospitals1.15(1.15, 1.16)< 0.0001
            Not in a system (ref.)
    DSH status    
            DSH hospital1.01(1.00, 1.01)0.0001
            Non-DSH hospital (ref.)
    Hospital Kaiser Permanente status    
            Non-Kaiser (ref.)
            Kaiser1.14(1.11, 1.17)< 0.0001
            Male0.98(0.98, 0.99)< 0.0001
            Female (ref.)
    Age group
            0 to 17 years0.80(0.80, 0.81)< 0.0001
            18 to 64 years (ref.)
            65 years and greater1.00(1.00, 1.00)0.7542
            White (ref.)
            Non-White1.04(1.04, 1.05)< 0.0001
            Hispanic0.95(0.95, 0.95)< 0.0001
            Non-Hispanic (ref.)
    Predisposing-vulnerable domain (any versus no diagnosis)    
            Anxiety disorders1.14(1.14, 1.15)< 0.0001
            Attention-deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavior disorders1.41(1.40, 1.42)< 0.0001
            Mood disorders1.37(1.36, 1.37)< 0.0001
            Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders0.96(0.96, 0.97)< 0.0001
            Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury0.72(0.71, 0.72)< 0.0001
    Payer source
            Self-pay0.87(0.86, 0.87)< 0.0001
            Medicare0.98(0.98, 0.99)< 0.0001
            Medicaid1.31(1.31, 1.31)< 0.0001
            Private insurance (ref.)
            Other government0.76(0.75, 0.76)< 0.0001
            Other1.15(1.14, 1.15)< 0.0001
    Display full size

    Regression using 10× imputed dataset, i.e. n = 961,801,760. The model also includes dummy variables to represent 349 unique hospitals. AOR: adjusted odds ratio; DSH: Disproportionate Share Hospital; CI: confidence interval

    Table 4 explores associations of patient and hospital characteristics with non-routine visit disposition, i.e. not sent home, among ED visits with an asthma diagnosis. There was a mixed pattern over time, with a higher likelihood of non-routine discharge in 2013 and 2014. The ten zip codes with the highest odds ratios were different from Table 3, except for Ventura and Mojave. Though the main city of Bakersfield did not make the top ten, the area outside the city did. The highest rate (AOR 1.80) was for patients who were homeless or had an unknown zip code. Other high zip codes included coastal Santa Barbara (AOR 1.22) and higher-income cities within Los Angeles County (Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank, and Santa Monica), with the tenth being San Francisco. Hospital factors associated with non-routine disposition included hospital bed size of 1 to 49 beds (AOR 1.79 compared to 500 plus), government control (AOR 1.38 compared to non-profits), rural non-teaching (AOR 1.22 compared to urban non-teaching) and being a Kaiser hospital (AOR 0.59). Adults 65 years of age and greater were more likely to have non-routine discharge (AOR 1.23 compared to adults 18–64 years of age as were males (OR 1.06). On the other hand, Hispanics were less likely (OR 0.98). All mental diagnoses were associated with an increased likelihood of nonroutine discharge, particularly suicide/self-harm (AOR 4.74), schizophrenia (AOR 1.97), and mood disorders (AOR 1.35). Those with Medicare were more likely to have a non-routine discharge (AOR 1.15 compared to private), while those with Medicaid were less likely (AOR 0.77). Asthma as a primary diagnosis was associated with a reduced risk of non-routine discharge (AOR 0.87 compared to those with a secondary diagnosis).

    Odds ratios for non-routine disposition after asthma-related ED visit (regression using 10× imputed dataset, n = 44,196,290)

    VariableAOR95% CIp-value
    Year of visit
            2005 (ref.)
            20061.00(0.98, 1.02)0.9225
            20071.04(1.03, 1.06)< 0.0001
            20080.85(0.84, 0.87)< 0.0001
            20090.90(0.88, 0.91)< 0.0001
            20101.00(0.98, 1.01)0.539
            20111.01(1.00, 1.03)0.1272
            20121.01(1.00, 1.03)0.096
            20131.05(1.03, 1.06)< 0.0001
            20141.10(1.09, 1.12)< 0.0001
    Patient three-digit zip code
            Los Angeles (ref.)
            Homeless/unknown1.80(1.73, 1.88)< 0.0001
            Bakersfield vicinity1.29(1.17, 1.41)< 0.0001
            Ventura1.23(1.10, 1.38)0.0002
            Santa Barbara1.22(0.98, 1.52)0.0807
            Mojave1.19(1.09, 1.31)0.0002
            Pasadena1.16(1.05, 1.28)0.004
            Glendale1.15(1.04, 1.26)0.0045
            Burbank1.13(0.99, 1.29)0.0602
            Santa Monica1.12(0.98, 1.29)0.0996
            San Francisco1.11(1.03, 1.21)0.0097
            Torrance1.07(0.97, 1.18)0.1782
            San Luis Obispo1.07(0.89, 1.28)0.458
            Alhambra1.06(0.92, 1.22)0.3961
            San Bernardino1.06(0.98, 1.14)0.1374
            San Rafael1.06(0.94, 1.18)0.3311
            Santa Ana vicinity1.05(0.98, 1.13)0.1456
            San Mateo1.05(0.94, 1.17)0.4201
            Sacramento vicinity 11.05(0.98, 1.11)0.1515
            San Bernardino vicinity1.04(0.98, 1.10)0.1969
            Eureka1.03(0.84, 1.27)0.7503
            Long Beach vicinity1.03(0.97, 1.09)0.2878
            Santa Rosa1.03(0.92, 1.14)0.6431
            Fresno1.01(0.91, 1.12)0.8441
            Long Beach1.01(0.94, 1.07)0.8557
            Inglewood vicinity1.00(0.96, 1.05)0.8904
            Inglewood1.00(0.92, 1.07)0.9305
            Anaheim0.99(0.94, 1.05)0.7281
            San Diego North0.99(0.92, 1.06)0.7574
            Van Nuys vicinity0.98(0.92, 1.05)0.6024
            Redding0.98(0.84, 1.16)0.8328
            San Diego South0.98(0.91, 1.06)0.6116
            Richmond0.98(0.90, 1.06)0.5837
            Pasadena vicinity0.98(0.89, 1.07)0.5829
            Indio0.98(0.89, 1.07)0.6124
            Sacramento0.97(0.90, 1.03)0.3128
            San Diego0.96(0.90, 1.04)0.3123
            San Francisco South0.96(0.89, 1.03)0.2601
            Whittier0.96(0.91, 1.01)0.1053
            Hollywood0.96(0.87, 1.05)0.353
            Riverside0.95(0.90, 1.02)0.1512
            Fresno vicinity0.94(0.86, 1.03)0.2095
            Santa Ana 0.93(0.86, 1.01)0.0793
            San Jose vicinity0.93(0.86, 1.01)0.1001
            Reno (NV)0.92(0.75, 1.12)0.3821
            Alhambra vicinity0.92(0.87, 0.96)0.0005
            San Jose0.91(0.84, 0.98)0.0182
            Van Nuys0.91(0.83, 0.99)0.0235
            Stockton North0.89(0.82, 0.97)0.0103
            Sacramento east/vicinity 20.89(0.82, 0.97)0.01
            Stockton South0.89(0.82, 0.96)0.0028
            Bakersfield0.88(0.79, 0.98)0.0214
            Palo Alto0.87(0.78, 0.98)0.0166
            Oakland0.86(0.81, 0.92)< 0.0001
            Oakland vicinity0.86(0.82, 0.91)< 0.0001
            Marysville0.85(0.76, 0.96)0.0078
            Outside of California0.84(0.80, 0.89)< 0.0001
            Salinas0.84(0.68, 1.03)0.1011
            Berkeley0.75(0.67, 0.83)< 0.0001
    Hospital control
            Government1.38(1.30, 1.47)< 0.0001
            For-Profit0.86(0.82, 0.90)< 0.0001
            Non-Profit (ref.)
    Hospital teaching/location
            Urban, non-teaching (ref.)
            Rural, non-teaching1.22(1.14, 1.32)< 0.0001
            Urban, teaching0.80(0.76, 0.84)< 0.0001
    Hospital licensed bed size
            0 to 49 beds1.79(1.52, 2.10)< 0.0001
            50 to 99 beds0.94(0.89, 0.99)0.0262
            100 to 149 beds0.75(0.72, 0.79)< 0.0001
            150 to 199 beds0.91(0.87, 0.96)0.0001
            200 to 299 beds0.86(0.82, 0.91)< 0.0001
            300 to 499 beds1.15(1.07, 1.23)< 0.0001
            500+ beds (ref.)
    Hospital system status
            In system of 3+ hospitals0.99(0.97, 1.01)0.2128
            Not in a system (ref.)
    DSH status
            DSH hospital1.00(0.99, 1.02)0.7694
            Non-DSH hospital (ref.)
    Hospital Kaiser Permanente status
            Non-Kaiser (ref.)
            Kaiser0.59(0.53, 0.65)< 0.0001
            Male1.06(1.05, 1.06)< 0.0001
            Female (ref.)
    Age group
            0 to 17 years0.98(0.95, 1.00)0.0716
            18 to 64 years (ref.)
            65 years and greater1.23(1.21, 1.26)< 0.0001
            Non-White1.00(0.99, 1.01)0.9535
            White (ref.)
            Hispanic0.96(0.95, 0.97)< 0.0001
            Non-Hispanic (ref.)
    Predisposing-vulnerable domain (any versus no diagnosis)
            Anxiety disorders1.04(1.03, 1.05)< 0.0001
            Attention-deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavior disorders1.16(1.13, 1.19)< 0.0001
            Mood disorders1.35(1.34, 1.36)< 0.0001
            Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders1.97(1.94, 1.99)< 0.0001
            Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury4.74(4.67, 4.81)< 0.0001
    Payer source
            Self-pay0.87(0.86, 0.88)< 0.0001
            Medicare1.15(1.13, 1.17)< 0.0001
            Medicaid0.77(0.76, 0.78)< 0.0001
            Private insurance (ref.)
            Other government0.80(0.78, 0.83)< 0.0001
            Other1.68(1.64, 1.71)< 0.0001
            Secondary diagnosis (ref.)
            Primary diagnosis0.87(0.86, 0.87)< 0.0001
    Display full size

    Model also includes dummy variables to represent 349 unique hospitals. AOR: adjusted odds ratio; DSH: Disproportionate Share Hospital; CI: confidence interval

    Figures 2A and 2B present interaction terms for mental illness and time. Figure 2A shows that as time progressed, the presence of a mental diagnosis generally became more positively associated with the presence of an asthma diagnosis. However, Figure 2B shows that among ED visits having an asthma diagnosis, over time the presence of a mental diagnosis generally became negatively associated with a non-routine discharge.

    Regression interactions of discharge year with mental diagnosis. A. Interaction coefficients of mental illness and year in a logistic regression model predicting any asthma diagnosis. The interaction model used all terms as the model shown in Table 3, but without imputed demographics (n = 96,180,176); B. Interaction coefficients of mental illness and year in a logistic regression model predicting non-routine discharge status following ED visits having an asthma diagnosis. The interaction model used all terms as the model shown in Table 4, except for imputed demographics (n = 4,419,629)


    Analysis of public-use data between 2005 and 2014 revealed that California EDs saw an increasing percentage of visits having an asthma diagnosis, even as the percentage of visits with a primary diagnosis of asthma decreased slightly. Furthermore, the percentage of visits with a mood disorder/depression or anxiety diagnosis increased much more dramatically among asthma visits than among non-asthma visits.

    We observed a large increase over time in asthma as a secondary diagnosis. This is consistent with national data for 2010 to 2021 which indicates the increasing overall prevalence of asthma among adults and decreasing prevalence among kids; with decreasing rates of asthma-related ED visits and hospitalizations, of course with socio-demographic variations [25]. One possible explanation for more asthma diagnoses is the Affordable Care Act. The emphasis on quality/value payments motivated hospitals to be more thorough in documenting the severity of patients, with some changes in coding and practice occurring before implementation in 2010 [26].

    The vast majority of asthma-related ED visits did not result in hospitalization, suggesting potentially inadequate primary care, including follow-up treatment for those who had already visited the ED [27]. Indeed, many cases of uncontrolled asthma are associated with inadequate asthma management training and inhaled corticosteroid ICS use [28]. The reduced likelihood of hospitalization/non-routine discharge for patients having a primary diagnosis of asthma may reflect improved treatments for acute care, such as not requiring intubation [29].

    Our Medicaid findings are mostly consistent with a Massachusetts study which found that, compared to children covered by private insurance, those on Medicaid had a higher prevalence of asthma, a higher likelihood of acute care, and also a lower likelihood of routine care [30]. Similarly, others have found that the risk of hospitalization after an asthma-related ED visit was lowest at urban teaching hospitals [15]. However, we found that the likelihood of admission was generally lower among those with Medicaid, not higher [15].

    The general rise over time in mental illness diagnoses is consistent with an analysis of California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data, which found increasing levels of population-based psychological distress between 2011 and 2013 [31]. There may also have been increasing interest in mental health due to the California Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63) which went into effect in 2005, and interest in both mental health and asthma with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. The observation that over time co-occurring mental illness had a slight decreasing impact on non-routine discharge may indicate improved treatment. Additionally, though the CHIS study found modest regional differences in poor mental health; the authors argued it would be more effective to focus on sex (female) and race (African American) [31].

    Many factors, such as socio-demographics and mental illness influence the type of care and outcomes among those who have asthma. In our study, risk factors for increased likelihood of asthma during ED visits were female sex and non-white race. Blacks and Hispanics in particular have been shown to have higher rates of ED visits and hospitalization [10, 11]. Reasons include less reliance on routine care for asthma, plus being given less information about asthma management [32]. On the other hand, those less than 18 years of age and Hispanics were less likely to have an asthma diagnosis. Though national studies have shown worse asthma outcomes among Hispanics, others have found that Mexicans specifically are less affected [33]. Furthermore, hospitalization use by Hispanics in California may be reduced due to immigration-related issues [34].

    Our findings both of increasing prevalence of mental illness among asthma ED visits and positive association of mental illness with hospitalization are consistent with others who have also found that comorbid mental illness increases the likelihood of ED visits and hospitalization among those with asthma [19, 35, 36]. Our findings are also consistent with a Swiss cohort study which found a positive relationship between asthma and having a major depressive episode [37].

    Though we did not formally analyze hospital outcomes, the presence of mental illness may increase the length of stay and total costs of asthma hospitalizations [14]. There are multiple pathways through which mental illness may influence asthma health care and outcomes. For example, those with poor mental health are likely to have worse diets [38] and may be less interested in exercise. Furthermore, medical staff tend to treat the physical illnesses of people with mental illness less thoroughly and less effectively [39].

    There are limitations to our study. In using secondary data reported from hospitals, we did not have access to primary care data, socio-demographic measures such as marital status and education, self-reported data such as quality of life and medication adherence, or outcomes following the ending of ED visits. With public-use data, i.e. no patient identifiers or patient ID codes, it was not possible to distinguish unique patients versus visits. Thus, we were not able to identify those individuals having multiple ED visits. Repeat visits are an important issue for asthma management, with socio-demographic differences between those with only one ED visit or multiple visits [40]. Analysis with public use data can illuminate health services patterns but is not as powerful for quality improvement/clinical interventions.

    Missing data added uncertainty regarding demographics, though we used standard multiple imputation techniques to obtain reasonable estimates. However, given the multiple imputations, we decided not to stratify the analysis based on age, even though much asthma research is stratified as pediatric or adult. There may also have been variations in diagnostic coding practices across hospitals, particularly for secondary diagnoses. In addition, there was likely a change in coding practices over time as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Results from one state may not generalize to other states or the entire nation. However, we have ten years of data for all ED visits from practically all general acute, non-federal hospitals within one populous state. Results are descriptive for the entire state of California, there was no need to use statistical sampling techniques. Furthermore, the large number of cases provides stability for statistical analysis. These findings are generally consistent with other studies and suggest interesting associations of asthma and mental diagnoses with acute care, which may be generalizable nationally and further studied with confidential data.

    Finally, geography was a minor aim. It is well-documented that zip codes developed for mail delivery are not ideal for public health research [41]. Rather, county, Census tracts, or zip code tabulation areas (ZCTAs) would be more ideal. That would allow for more direct consideration of environmental socio-demographics and infrastructure. One can use Geographic Information System techniques with enough five-digit zip codes in attempts to merge zip codes and census data [42]. Even with three-digit zips, if there was also more detailed time information one could estimate environmental exposures such as temperature or wildfire smoke. However, the available zip code information can parse the tens of millions of Californians into roughly 60 population centers. Findings can inform future research.

    In conclusion, within California, there has been both a steady increase in the rate of ED visits having an asthma diagnosis and an increase in the percentage of asthma-related ED visits also having a mental diagnosis. Though some of the increase may be due to changes in coding practices, population-based surveys suggest an increased prevalence of both mental illness and asthma. This suggests a need for improved care among those having co-occurring asthma and mental illness, especially patients who are Hispanic or Black.



    adjusted odds ratio


    Clinical Classification Software


    California Health Interview Survey


    emergency department


    International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition


    missing at random


    Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development


    Author contributions

    JEB: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing—original draft. ICE: Writing—review & editing. CG: Writing—review & editing. MW: Writing—review & editing. JMB: Writing—review & editing.

    Conflicts of interest

    The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

    Ethical approval

    Ethical approval for this study was obtained by the Loma Linda University Health Institutional Review Board which determined that this was not human subjects research (IRB# 5240531).

    Consent to participate

    The informed consent to participate in this study was exempted by Loma Linda University Health Institutional Review Board due to analyzing public-use data.

    Consent to publication

    Not applicable.

    Availability of data and materials

    Public-use data is no longer available. Confidential emergency department data for California may be obtained at: https://hcai.ca.gov/data-and-reports/research-data-request-information/#patient-discharge-data-pdd


    Not applicable.


    © The Author(s) 2024.


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