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  • Article Processing Charge

    Exploration of Asthma & Allergy publishes articles under the model of Gold Open Access. Once published, articles are immediately available for free without restrictions. The journal charges article processing charge (APC) to cover the costs of peer review, editing, typesetting, archiving, journal management, etc. incurred in the process of processing articles, in order to maintain a sustainable open access academic publishing and exchange platform in the long run.

    APC fees are only for accepted articles that have been peer-reviewed.

    The journal does not charge APC from authors before March 31, 2028, during which time the APC is wholly financed by Open Exploration. From April 1, 2028, the journal charges an APC fee of $2,000 per article (excluding tax).

    Waivers and Discounts

    We encourage authors to publish in Exploration of Asthma & Allergy and do not want APC fees to be a barrier to scientific publication, especially for authors from low- and middle-income countries. We offer a range of discounts or waivers for authors from low- and middle-income countries. For authors who are otherwise unable to pay the APC fee, we will waive or discount on a case-by-case basis. Authors can contact the Editorial Office eaajournal@explorationpub.com at the time of submission to explain the situation and apply for a discount.

    As the official journal of the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (SIAAIC), we encourage the society members to submit high quality papers to the journal. We will provide a 20% discount on APC to the member of SIAAIC if they submit and publish the article in EAA.

    Specific discount details and how to apply will be updated on the website by March 2028.

    Rewards and Benefits for Contributing Authors

    Authors who submit article(s) before March 31, 2028 and whose article(s) are eventually accepted for publication will receive a 50% discount on the APC, which will cover part of the APC for publishing an article after April 1, 2028.

    Authors who submit article(s) before March 31, 2028 and the article(s) being recognized as the annual Highly Cited Paper Award will receive a full APC waiver once, which will be able to enjoy free publication for one article after April 1, 2028.