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  • About the Journal

    Aims and Scope

    Exploration of Drug Science (eISSN: 2836-7677) is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal, covering all this process from the first idea in the laboratory to the drug already in the market. Drug Science is a multi-vector scientific activity with a great impact on society. Thus, apart from the scientific fact, the discovery of a new drug can save many lives or restore or improve social health and wellbeing. The journal considers the following topics:

    ★ Therapeutics strategies

    ★ Target discovery and validation

    ★ Medicinal chemistry

    ★ Computational chemistry, cheminformatics, and bioinformatics

    ★ High-throughput synthesis and screening; related technologies

    ★ Omics

    ★ Pharmacology

    ★ Toxicology

    ★ Preclinical research

    ★ Chemical entities, biologics, biologic treatments

    ★ Orphan drugs

    ★ Vaccines

    ★ Drug repurposing

    ★ Drug resistance

    ★ Drug delivery, including nanotechnologies

    ★ Clinical phases

    ★ Industry analysis and market studies

    ★ Patents and Intellectual property

    ★ Pharmacoeconomics

    Publication Frequency

    Exploration of Drug Science operates under a continuous publication model since January 2025. All accepted articles will be published immediately after production. Readers can access the content as quickly as possible, and the paper can be cited immediately.

    Open Access

    The journal provides immediate open access to all published content. Everyone can enjoy free and unrestricted use of these published content under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. More information can be found at Open Access.

    Peer Review

    The journal adopts a single-blind peer review. Except for some Editorials released by the Editors, all manuscripts will undergo a strict review to assess their novelty, validity and significance, etc. More information can be found at Peer Review Policy and Peer Review Guidelines. For the whole editorial process, please refer to Editorial Process.

    Permanent Archive

    To ensure long-term digital preservation, all the published articles will be archived on Portico platform. Authors are encouraged to deposit their articles in PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central, or other appropriate funding body's archive.


    The journal is owned and published by Open Exploration Publishing.