Assessment of Atrial and Ventricular Volumes and Functional Properties: Novel Insights
Prof. Attila Nemes E-Mail
Department of Medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Due to technological improvements in cardiovascular imaging in the last decades, novel insights might be possible into the assessment of atrial and ventricular volumes and functional properties. Although echocardiography still remained the most important imaging method, new ones, like cardiac computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging become a part of everyday practice. Moreover, new echocardiographic techniques like three-dimensional and/or speckle-tracking become also widely available. The purpose of this special issue would be to demonstrate findings with high impact papers on these topics demonstrating clinical impact and diagnostic and prognostic value of the new imaging technologies.
Keywords: Three-dimensional, speckle-tracking, echocardiography, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, volume, strain, ventricular, atrial