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    Dirk M. Hermann, MD

    Professor of Vascular Neurology, Dementia and Ageing Research, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
    Email: Dirk.Hermann@uk-essen.de
    Associate Editors

    Marco Bacigaluppi, MD, PhD

    Interests: Ischemia, thrombosis, cerebral clots, aging, neutrophils, stroke
    Neurologist at the Stroke Unit of San Raffaele Hospital, Researcher at the Neuroimmunology Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy

    Johannes Boltze, MD, PhD

    Interests: Cerebrovascular diseases, stroke and vascular dementia, cell-based therapies, neuroprotection, cerebroprotection, neurorepair, translational research
    Professor of Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

    Andrew Chan, MD

    Interests: Molecular markers, risk of disease progression in MS, therapeutic monitoring and risk stratification under immunotherapy, glial Immunobiology
    Head of Division Neuro, Head and Deputy director of the Department of Neurology, Head of Ambulantes Neurozentrum, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland; Professor of Neurology especially Neuroimmunology, Extraordinarius, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

    Richard Dodel, MD

    Interests: Neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, innate immune system
    Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany

    Thorsten R. Doeppner, MD

    Interests: Clinical and translational stroke research, mechanisms of poststroke tissue regeneration, stem cells and extracellular vesicles
    Professor of Neurology and Vice director, Department of Neurology, University of Gießen, Gießen, Germany

    Andreas Faissner, MD

    Interests: Neural stem cells and their niche, extracellular matrix, neuron-glia interactions, synaptic plasticity, regeneration of the CNS
    Professor of Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Cell Morphology & molecular Neurobiology, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany

    Alexander Gerhard, MD

    Interests: PET imaging, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation
    Consultant Neurologist, Geriatriezentrum Haus Berge, Essen, Germany; Senior Lecturer in Neurology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

    Bernd Giebel, PhD

    Interests: Mesenchymal stem/stromal cell-derived EVs (MSC-EVs)
    President of the German Society of Extracellular Vesicles (GSEV); Co-chairing the exosome working group of the International Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ISCT); Group Leader of Department of Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany

    Ertugrul Kilic, PhD

    Interests: Stroke, spinal cord injury, cell signaling, brain plasticity
    Head of Department of Physiology, Regenerative and Restorative Medical Research Center, School of Medicine, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkey

    Suyue Pan, MD, PhD

    Interests: Neurocritical care, stroke, encephalitis, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, cerebral edema, ion channel, neuroinflammation, neuroimmune, glymphatic pathway, neuroimaging
    Professor, Chief Physician and Director, Department of Neurology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China

    Stefano Pluchino, MD, PhD

    Interests: Advanced therapeutics, stem cells, exosomes and extracellular vesicles, neurogenesis and CNS regeneration, brain-immune interactions, ageing and cellular senescence, multiple sclerosis
    Professor of Regenerative Neuroimmunology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

    Ryszard Pluta, M.D, Ph.D

    Interests: Brain ischemia, brain ischemia versus Alzheimer’s disease, etiology of Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, neuroinflmmation, amyloid, presenilins, tau protein, apolipoproteins, autophagy, apoptosi
    Professor in Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland

    Aurel Popa-Wagner, PhD

    Interests: Aged animals models of cerebral ischemia, behavioral analysis, recording of EEG and various physiological parameters by telemetric measurements, MRI for small animals, immunohistochemical procedures
    Chair of Aging and Dementia, NeuroLab, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany; Professor of Pathobiochemistry and Experimental Neurology, Director of the Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Craiova, Romania

    Ameneh Rezayof, PhD

    Interests: Neurobiology of memory formation, reward-related learning in drug addiction, signaling pathways in emotional behaviours
    Professor of the Department of Animal Biology, School of Biology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

    Yamei Tang, MD, PhD

    Interests: Cellular and molecular neuroscience, neuro-Immune Interactions, glial biology, brain microcirculation, cancer therapy-related cognitive impairment, neurodegenerative disease, stroke, aging
    Professor, Chief Physician and Director, Department of Neurology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University; Director, Brian research center, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

    Giustino Varrassi, MD, PhD

    Interests: Pain Medicine, with particular interest on inflammatory pain and societal impact of pain
    President of the Fondazione Paolo Procacci, Roma, Italy
    Editorial Board Members

    Claudio Bassetti, MD

    Interests: Sleep, sleep disorders and stroke, narcolepsy
    Full Professor and Chair, Neurology Department, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland; Dean, Medical Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland

    Hugues Chabriat, MD, PhD

    Interests: Clinical aspects of vascular neurology, cerebral small vessel diseases, vascular cognitive impairment, imaging of cerebrovascular diseases, hereditary vascular diseases, therapeutic trials
    Professor of Neurology at University of Paris Cité, Head of the Translational Neurovascular Centre and of the National referral center for rare vascular diseases of the brain and retina in France, Member of Unit 1141 at INSERM, France

    Michael Chopp, PhD

    Interests: Neurovascular restorative and protective therapies for cerebrovascular disease/injury and neurodegenerative diseases,cellular and extracellular vesicle based therapies and biomarkers
    Vice Chairman for Research Department of Neurology and Zolton J Kovacs, Chair in Neuroscience Research at Henry Ford Hospital, Distinguished Professor of Physics at Oakland University, Rochester, USA

    Turgay Dalkara, MD, PhD

    Interests: Stroke animal models, cellular and molecular mechanisms of ischemic cell death, microcirculation, neurovascular coupling, pericytes, blood-brain barrier, targeted brain drug delivery, nanomedicines, neuroinflammation, migraine pathophysiology
    Professor of Neurology, Director of Neuroscience PhD program, Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

    Adam Denes, PhD

    Interests: Brain immune-interactions, inflammation in the CNS, microglia, modulation of neuronal and vascular responses by immune cells, stroke, neurodegeneration, neurotropic viruses
    Head of Laboratory of Neuroimmunology, Head of Cell Biology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

    Exuperio Díez-Tejedor, MD, PhD

    Interests: Cerebrovascular diseases, immunomediated neurological diseases, migraine, traslational research, brain plasticity and repair
    Professor of Neurology, Director of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Diseases Group, Coordinator of Neurosciences Area and Director of Neurological Science School, IdiPAZ (Health Research Institute), La Paz University Hospital-Autonoma University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    Ayman ElAli, PhD

    Interests: Cerebrovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, neuroinflammation
    Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Molecular and Cellular Neurovascular Interactions, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval; Neuroscience Axis, Research Center of CHU de Québec, Quebec, Canada

    Tamas Fulop, MD, Ph.D

    Interests: Geriatrics, immunosnesescence, inflammaging, dementia, infections, Alzheimer's disease
    Full professor, Department of Medicine, Geriatric Division and Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS); Director of the Biopharmaceutic Unit of the Research Center on Aging; Geriatrician, University Institute of Geriatrics of Sherbrooke and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS); Senior researcher, Research Center on Aging, Gerosciences Axis, Sherbrooke, Canada

    Janine Gronewold, PhD

    Interests: Pathomechanisms and risk factors for stroke and dementia, post-stroke cognitive impairment, geriatric risk screening, daytime sleepiness in geriatric patients
    Post-doctoral research fellow at the Chair of Vascular Neurology, Dementia and Ageing Research / NeuroScienceLab, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany

    Matthias Gunzer, PhD

    Interests: Immunological mechanisms of sterile inflammation, infection, immune cell motility/migration, neutrophil granulocytes, advanced imaging
    Professor of Immunology, Director of the Institute for Experimental Immunology and Imaging, University Hospital Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany; Head of the Department Biospectroscopy, Leibniz Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften ISAS e.V., Dortmund, Germany