We are proud to announce the first milestone of our journal in 2025: Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy has successfully passed the rigorous review of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, https://publicationethics.org/), and its application for COPE membership has been approved on February 21, 2025. This milestone serves as a strong endorsement of our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards in publication ethics.
This recognition fuels our resolve to maintain academic rigor, foster transparent research dissemination, and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of neuroscience. Together, we will continue shaping a trustworthy academic ecosystem that propels groundbreaking discoveries and scientific progress.
We really appreciate the efforts of our Editors-in-Chief, Board Members, Guest Editors, authors, and reviewers.
Thanks to the help of our Editorial Board Member Prof. Noureddin Nakhostin Ansari, on November 8, 2024, he introduced our ENT journal at a workshop on Research Methods held at the Kaviani Educational Institute (Tehran, Iran) when he gave a lecture at the workshop. PhD and MSc students from physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and cognitive sciences participated in the workshop.
At the workshop, Prof. Ansari provided detailed information about the journal and highlighted the journal's relevance and credibility in publishing high-quality research. Also, he introduced to the participants the great news of the journal's successful indexing in Scopus and the fact that the journal will continue to maintain a free publishing policy. This is very helpful in further expanding the journal's readership/authorship and visibility in the community.
We greatly appreciate Prof. Ansari's great support and contribution in supporting the journal's development all the time, including actively contributing to the journal, promoting the journal, and helping with reviewing work and quality control of the journal.
Looking forward, we anticipate more opportunities to help promote ENT journal in the future, with the help of more experts. We are open to any appropriate conference collaboration, and we welcome and encourage editorial board members and guest editors to participate in the journal promotion whenever possible.
With immense honor and enthusiasm, we are thrilled to announce that our journal, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (ENT), has been accepted for Scopus on October 28, 2024! Next, ENT journal will be first listed separately in the Scopus Title list after acceptance, and then the content will gradually appear in Scopus searches as it takes some time for Scopus to prepare the data feed to receive content.
Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and includes titles from more than 7,000 publishers worldwide. It is widely recognized for its comprehensive coverage and stringent evaluation standards of high-quality academic journals across various research fields. Acceptance into this prestigious database entails a strict evaluation process by the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) of Scopus, an independent board of specialists. Every year, approximately 3,500 new titles are suggested for inclusion in Scopus, but only 33% of those titles meet the technical criteria of its independent review board. And of those roughly 1,200 titles, only 50% are accepted after CSAB review.
Following its inclusion in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) in 2022, Google Scholar in 2023, now ENT is once again recognized by the world's leading academic research database. It is not only a great recognition and encouragement for our journal's quality, but also a remarkable embodiment of ENT's rapid development in just three years since launched. This is a very important step in being acknowledged as a valuable academic publication.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all Editors, Board members, authors, reviewers, and everyone who has contributed to this achievement. Support from all involved has been valuable in realizing this milestone. We will also keep working hard and publish more high-quality content in the field of neurological research, further establishing ENT as a reputable and impactful publishing platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals in the field.
We warmly welcome you to stay tuned for our ENT journal and participate in the future development of ENT journal!
About the Journal
Launched in August 2021, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (eISSN 2769-6510) is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal with no APC currently. The journal publishes papers of high quality and significance in all areas related to Neurodegeneration/Neuroprotection/Neurorestoration, including authoritative assays on regulatory challenges. With the guidance of the Editor-in-Chief Professor Rafael Franco, it has achieved steady development and actively preparing itself to get involved in more important databases. To date, it has been accepted by Scopus and indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, CAS, etc.
Thanks to the help of our esteemed Editor-in-Chief Prof. Rafael Franco, ENT journal was promoted at the International Congress on Neurodegenerative Diseases (https://ciiien.org/) held in Lisbon from 19 to 21 September 2024.
The International Congress on Neurodegenerative Diseases this year was organized by the CIEN Foundation, Queen Sofia Foundation, and the Champalimaud Foundation. It is structured into VII scientific sessions of exceptional quality and attracted many leading experts worldwide. The three-day conference provides a good forum for research professionals to discuss the latest advances in the research and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and help enhance the understanding and treatment of these diseases. The honorary president of the Meeting, H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain, presented the meeting and visited scientific posters on neurodegenerative diseases.
During the congress, Prof. Franco presented a poster presentation "Vitactions: vitamins for the brain" that the original article was published in ENT (https://doi.org/10.37349/ent.2024.00084, see the figure). He also displayed the Journal Poster and gave a piece of detailed information about the journal to the attendees. Through this event, ENT was introduced to more neurodegenerative disease researchers/experts, bringing more attention to the journal and promoting ENT's audience and influence.
We are eager for such opportunities for conference collaborations to enhance the visibility of our journal, and encourage our Editorial Board Members and Guest editors to join to promote ENT at future events.
It's pleased to announce that Prof. Peter Illes gave a lecture entitled "The involvement of ATP-sensitive, central P2X7 receptors in major depression" at the "Sino-German Symposium Brain Functions: Neurons, Glia and their Interactions in Health and Disease" on October 23-29, 2023, in Chengdu, China. At the end of his presentation, he had the chance to promote ENT journal to participants. About 70 scientists from all over the world attended this Symposium and got a preliminary understanding of the journal.
This is another chance to increase ENT's visibility and attract more potential authors to pay attention to and contribute to ENT in the future. We hope there will be more such opportunities in the future, with the help of more experts, for us to promote the journal or special issue If you are interested in attending the conference and promoting ENT, you are welcome to contact us at any time and we will provide you with appropriate support and assistance.
Our Editor-in-Chief Professor Rafael Franco well-promoted and introduced ENT journal to participants at the "International Congress on Neurodegenerative Diseases" held in Spain on September 19-22, 2023.
The Congress has been organized, since 2013, by Queen Sofia Foundation, together with CIEN Foundation and CIBERNED and, this year, for the first time, by the Spanish Society of Neurology. This scientific Congress aims to bring society closer to the advances of research in the fight against Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases and, above all, to raise the evident need to advance in the search for global solutions and responses due to their social consequences. It offers a forum to discuss a range of areas of interest related to basic, clinical, and translational aspects of the research on neurodegenerative diseases, providing researchers from all over the world with opportunities to discuss and share experiences and entertain topics that stretch into the future.
We believe that through Prof. Franco's promotion at the congress, more neurological researchers will know and pay attention to ENT, an open-access journal with no APC before July 31, 2026. In the future, we will continue to promote more conference opportunities to increase the exposure of the journal. So we also welcome more experts like Prof. Franco to join us to promote the journal, and we will provide every support.
Over the past year, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy has achieved an increasing impact and larger number of citations. We sincerely thank everyone’s great support! At the beginning of 2023, we are thrilled to announce and recognize the winners of “Highly Cited Paper Award 2021-2022” to show our appreciation to those authors.
Criteria for selection and award:
● Original Articles and Reviews published in 2021-2022;
● Both regular and special issue submissions are considered;
● Citations are counted according to Web of Science (WOS) in 2021-2022;
● Prize for the author team: 300-1,000 USD, certificate of "Highly Cited Paper Award";
● Prize for the corresponding Guest Editor(s): 100-300 USD.
Winning Papers:
★ Therapeutic potential of the cannabinoid receptor 2 in neuropsychiatry
María S. García-Gutiérrez, Francisco Navarrete, Ani Gasparyan, Jorge Manzanares*
★ Striking a balance: PIP2 and PIP3 signaling in neuronal health and disease
Kamran Tariq, Bryan W. Luikart*
Special Issue: Cholesterol Dyshomeostasis in Neurological Diseases
★ Balancing cholesterol in the brain: from synthesis to disposal
Lydia Qian, Amanda B. Chai, Ingrid C. Gelissen*, Andrew J. Brown*
Special Issue: Cholesterol Dyshomeostasis in Neurological Diseases
Congratulations! We believe these articles will be more shining in the future.
In the following year, we will continue to set "Highly Cited Paper Award" to recognize the related authors. On behalf of the Editorial Board and Editorial Office, we warmly welcome more outstanding researchers to participate in and contribute to the journal. Our thriving journal is always open to you!
We are pleased to announce that Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (ENT) has been accepted for indexing in Chemical Abstract Services (CAS).
CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society. It is the most authoritative and comprehensive source of chemical information. CAS intends to help scientists benefit from the published work of their colleagues around the world by monitoring, abstracting, and indexing the world's chemistry-related literature.
Acceptance for inclusion in CAS shows that the academic level and influence of ENT continue to improve. We appreciate the recognition and will continue to persist in our original intention to develop a high-quality academic journal. Road ahead is long and hard. Persist, we will succeed!
We are pleased to announce that Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy is now indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. The official website of ENT on DOAJ is https://doaj.org/toc/2769-6510
Starting with this important breakthrough, ENT will continue to be committed to providing authors with free and professional publishing services and bringing high-quality and significant research/findings to researchers in this field. Launched in 2021, this fully Open Access neurological journal continues to grow in scope and influence. Find out more about the journal: https://www.explorationpub.com/Journals/ent
Open Exploration Publishing Inc. has been a member of Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) since November 22, 2021.
OASPA is a membership organization that was established in 2008, which is the international community for open access publishing, works to encourage and enable open access as the predominant model of communication for scholarly outputs, and represents a diverse community of organizations engaged in open scholarship. It is committed to the mission of developing and disseminating solutions that advance open access and ensure a diverse, vibrant, and healthy open access community. Also, it represents the very best in open access publishing and enjoys a high reputation in the publishing industry. OASPA applies rigorous criteria and in-depth review to all members who must then continue to exemplify high standards to remain part of OASPA. The complete list of OASPA member organizations, including Open Exploration, can be found: Members - OASPA.
Open Exploration (Open Exploration Publishing), the Publisher and owner of Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy (ENT), is a newborn open access publisher which was registered in New York in 2019 (business address is located in Xi’an, China). The mission of Open Exploration is to facilitate scientific and technological advance by disseminating high-quality content rapidly, widely and freely. As a member of OASPA, Open Exploration will take this chance to comply with the latest guidance of it, and work with OASPA as well as all members to advance research worldwide. And ENT will also uphold the mission of Open Exploration and adhere to publishing more high-quality articles with fast and professional services to promote the development and progress of neuroscience research.
Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy always endorses and applies the standards and recommendations of the ICMJE, to ensure the rigorousness of review and publication process. Now, the journal has been recognized in the list of "Journals stating that they follow the ICMJE Recommendations". Learn more about the information via http://www.icmje.org/journals-following-the-icmje-recommendations/.