Join as Editor

The editorial board typically consists of a group of prominent experts in the journal’s field, and plays an important role in the development of a journal, such as the contribution of high-quality content, the review of journal manuscripts, and the expansion of journal influence. In order to better meet the development needs, Open Exploration journals are currently recruiting new editorial boards, including Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members.

Fourteen journals of Open Exploration covering multiple fields, such as integrative medicine, oncology, immunology, neurology, digestive diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, asthma & allergy, pharmacology, food omics, biomaterials, digital health, cardiology, endocrinology, etc. Candidates with a broad interest and demonstrable expertise in the relevant research field are welcomed to join us, to realize the higher aims of the journals and pursuit of editing. The initial term for a board member is 2 years and can be renewed by mutual consent.

Editorial Board selection criteria

Considerable expertise and good academic publication history in the relevant research field (the number of published articles and citations);

Title of associate professor or above from key research institutions;

Passion for editing and the time to deal with editing affairs;

Good reputation of academic ethics.

Editorial Board function

Involve in manuscript handling or reviewing to assist the journal complete efficient review work and select manuscripts that meet the journal’s quality requirements for publication;

Submit or recommend insightful manuscripts to promote the journal by publishing something that gets wider attention;

Identify new topics for special issues, or edit new special issues, to create more channels for the journals manuscript soliciting;

Publicize the journal at conferences, social media, and community, or recommend appropriate conferences for the journal, to promote the visibility and influence of the journal;

Keep in touch regularly with the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office of the journal to stay abreast of the journal's developments and its latest policies.

Editorial Board benefits

Stay up to date with the latest research in your field through review work;

Enhance your popularity and reputation. Your name and photo will be displayed on the Editorial Board website;

Receive a signed Certificate of Appointment;

Have the chance to publish one article a year for free, after the journal begins to charge APC;

Enjoy the conference promotion awards for board members;

Attend meetings or activities organized by the journal;

Get a chance to organize your own special issues in your field.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our Editorial Board, please kindly send your CV to the editorial office of the corresponding journal. Your CV may include your personal information, educational background, research background, publications, academic appointment, and Editorial Board member experience if any. We will reply to your application as soon as possible after the Editorial Office and Editor-in-Chiefs evaluation, and all applicants will be evaluated on their own merits and their respective fit of research. If there are any inquiries about these positions, please contact us at